Nishiki-e (color woodblock prints) are one of the collections of the National Diet Library. The collection includes many nishiki-e of landmark places in Edo. From colorful woodblock prints, we are able to have a glimpse of the prosperity and the scenes of the landmarks of Edo and the entertainment of the seasons.
This exhibition presents 484 nishiki-e picturing 103 landmarks of Edo. Each page of a landmark gives a description, and present-day address, and with nishiki-e thumbnails, adds links to illustrated geographical booklets Edo Meisho Zue , and pictorial maps of Edo. In addition, linking to the existing exhibition "The Meiji and Taisho Eras in Photographs,
" it is possible to see photographs of landmarks of Edo in and after the Meiji Era.
With the search feature, there are four menus such as "Find on a map," "Find on a detailed map of Edo," "Search by Artist," and "Search by Keyword" so you can search for landscape nishiki-e from various viewpoints. There are also pages of columns and a quiz.
Please enjoy landmarks of Edo in color woodblock prints.