People Involved in the Reconstruction of the Imperial City of Tokyo after the Great Kanto Earthquake
At 11:58 am on September 1, 1923, an earthquake of magnitude 7.9 occurred with its epicenter in western Kanagawa Prefecture. This earthquake is called the Great Kanto Earthquake.
Prime Minister KATO Tomosaburo had died of illness on August 24, and Minister of Foreign Affairs UCHIDA Kosai was serving as Prime Minister. YAMAMOTO Gonbei, who was appointed as the new Prime Minister, held the ceremony of imperial investiture at 7:00 pm on September 2 and formed a cabinet quickly. From the outset, the 2nd YAMAMOTO Cabinet was tasked with dealing with the earthquake disaster and carrying out reconstruction projects.
Members of the 2nd YAMAMOTO Cabinet
Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign AffairsGOTO Shinpei
Minister of Home AffairsINOUE Junnosuke
Minister of FinanceTANAKA Giichi
Minister of Imperial ArmyTAKARABE Takeshi
Minister of Imperial NavyDEN Kenjiro
Minister of JusticeINUKAI Tsuyoshi
Minister of Communications and Minister of EducationKABAYAMA Sukehide
Chief Secretary of the Cabinet
※Besides these member, there was YAMANOUCHI Kazuji, Minister of Railways.
Cabinet meeting during the Kanto Earthquake. The person in the front on the left is Prime Minister YAMAMOTO.
From Dainihon Yubenkai Kodansha(ed.), Taisho Daishinsai Daikasai, Dainihon Yubenkai Kodansha, 1923【526-51】(Available with Digitized Contents Transmission Service)
Deputy Prime Minister UCHIDA held a cabinet meeting on the day the earthquake struck, and the following day promulgated the necessary laws to provide relief measures for victims. He also imposed martial law on Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama and Chiba. On September 27, the YAMAMOTO Cabinet established the Teito Fukkoin (Imperial City Reconstruction Department) as an organization under the direct control of the prime minister to carry out reconstruction projects. GOTO Shinpei, Minister of the Interior, became president of the Fukkoin, and skilled engineers were gathered from all over the country.
GOTO Shinpei
PresidentMIYAO Shunji
Vice-presidentIKEDA Hiroshi
Planning directorSOGO Shinji
Accounting directorSANO Toshikata
Architecture director
Using his many connections, GOTO created a recovery plan. However, it cost too much money for large-scale extension of roads, expansion of parks and building a canal. At that time, the Toranomon Incident occurred, in which an anarchist shot at the crown prince, and Prime Minister YAMAMOTO resigned to take responsibility for the incident along with GOTO. MIZUNO Rentaro became the new president of the Fukkkoin.
After that, the Teito Fukkoin was abolished on February 25, 1924 and became the Reconstruction Bureau within the Ministry of the Interior. As a result, both the content and the budget of the reconstruction were reduced. Nonetheless, over 6 years at the Reconstruction Bureau, many projects were carried out in Tokyo and Yokohama, such as land readjustment, maintenance of main roads, maintenance of bridges, underground reserves such as gas and water pipes, maintenance of parks, designation of residential, commercial, and industrial areas, and geological surveys. Tokyo had 52 arterial roads made, which are still used today as major roads in the city.
Tokyo Land Readjustment Progress Map
Yokohama City Land Readjustment Progress Map
In addition to national projects, there were relief and reconstruction organizations run by private volunteers. Around 40 businessmen, led by SHIBUSAWA Eiichi, gathered at the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce on September 9, and volunteer members of the House of Peers and the House of Representatives also joined to form the Daishinsai-zengokai. The Zengokai raised donations for the purpose of reconstruction and relief for victims. A huge amount of donations were raised. The amount at that time was 60 million yen in Japan alone, as well as 10.5 million yen given by the Imperial Family, for a total of 70 million yen. Converted to the current value, this would be 210 billion yen. SHIBUSAWA also used his personal connections to raise a large amount of donations from overseas, including the United States.
Members of Daishinsai-zengokai
1863 - 1940SHIBUSAWA Eiichi
1840 - 1931IZAWA Takio
1869 - 1949IKEDA Shigeaki
1867 - 1950HATOYAMA Ichiro
1883 - 1959HAMAGUCHI Osachi
1870 - 1931HATTORI Kintaro
1860 - 1934OKURA Kihachiro
1837 - 1928NEZU Kaichiro
1860 - 1940ASANO Soichiro I
1848 - 1930SAKATANI Yoshiro
1863 - 1941KITASATO Shibasaburo
1853 - 1931YASUKOCHI Asakichi
1873 - 1927NAGATA Hidejiro
1876 - 1943TAKAHASHI Korekiyo
1854 - 1936DAN Takuma
1858 - 1932NAKAHASHI Tokugoro
1861 - 1934KATO Takaaki
1860 - 1926OKOCHI Masatoshi
1878 - 1952OKAWA Heizaburo
1860 - 1936WAKAO Shohachi
1873 - 1943WADA Toyoji
1861 - 1924KAGAMI Kenkichi
1869 - 1939TANOMOGI Keikichi
1867 - 1940SOEDA Juichi
1864 - 1929YAMAMOTO Teijiro
1870 - 1937MAGOSHI Kyohei
1844 - 1933
Donors from Overseas
Kifusha Homeiroku Gaikoku no bu
From Daishinsai Zengokai Hokokusho, Daishinsai Zengokai, 1925【369.31-D17d】(Available with Digitized Contents Transmission Service)
Related Information
- Kaleidoscope of Books The Dawn of Modern Japanese Architecture Before and After the Great Kanto Earthquake
- Kaleidoscope of Books Taisho Democracy and Media Sengo Kyoko to the Great Kanto Earthquake(Only available in Japanese)
- Modern Japan in archives Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923
- 100 YEARS OF Japanese Emigration to Brazil
- KITAHARA Itoko, Shinsai Fukko wa do Hikitsugareta ka:Kanto Daishinsai・Showa Sanriku Tsunami・Higashinihon Daishinsai, Fujiwara Shoten, 2023【EG77-M970】
- MATSUBA Kazukiyo, “Teito Fukkoshi” wo Yomu, Shinchosha, 2012【EG77-J781】
- Cabinet Office Japan Disaster Management in Japan Saigai Kyokun no Keisho ni Kansuru Senmon Chosakai Hokokusho “1923 Kanto Daishinsai dai 3 pen”(March 2009)‘Teito Fukko no Tenkai’(Only available in Japanese)