About This Site
The Reference and Special Collections Department, the Modern Japanese Political Documents has prepared most of the explanations for the items displayed.
The exhibition has been developed under supervision of Mr. Susumu Miyao of the Centro de Estudos Nipo-Brasileiros (Center for Japanese-Brazilian Studies). We would like to express our gratitude for his invaluable assistance.
Material Contributors/Collaborators
Several persons cooperated in the preparation of the exhibition by providing materials. In particular, this exhibition would not have been possible without the cooperation and assistance of Mr. Yosuke Tanaka and Mr. Kenji Matsuzaka who translated to Portuguese, and Mr. Shigeo Nakamura who worked exhaustively as a contact with Brazil. We would again like to thank these persons for their assistance.
Displayed Items
Most of the displayed items are in custody of the National Diet Library and some items are in the custody of other institutions the names of which are respectively shown in each of these items.
Many materials are displayed in textized versions for better readability.
- Although some expressions and words in body text and headings of those materials are considered inappropriate today, they have been textized with no modification because historical materials should not been changed.
- When text data are posted on web, the layouts for the data are different from the original page ones due to technical restrictions.
- Furigana above kanjis in the original materials have been faithfully textized as a general rule, but in such material as newspapers in which furigana are printed above every character, furigana have been omitted when textized.
Availability Date
Released on May 30, 2014
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