Chronological Table

Chronological Table: Major Events
July 26 United States, United Kingdom, and China announce the "Potsdam Declaration."
August 15 Imperial Rescript declaring the end of the war is broadcast at noon. (Imperial Speech)
August 30 General MacArthur arrives at Atsugi Airdrome.
September 2 Instrument of Surrender signed on the deck of the USS Missouri.
October 4 GHQ issues Civil Liberties Directive.
MacArthur gives Konoye a suggestion for constitutional revisions.
October 9 Kijuro Shidehara sets up his cabinet.
October 11 MacArthur gives prime minister Shidehara a suggestion on liberalization of the constitution.
October 25 Constitutional Problems Investigation Committee (Matsumoto Committee) is established.
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November 22 Konoye presents his Draft of Constitution Revision to the Emperor.
December 26 Constitution Investigation Association announces its "Outline of Constitutional Draft."
January 1 The Emperor professes his humanity.
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February 1 Mainichi Shimbun runs a scoop on "Constitutional Problems Investigation Committee Draft Proposal."
February 3 MacArthur puts forth his "Three Basic Points" and orders Government Section to draft the GHQ Draft.
February 8 Japanese government submits the "Gist of the Revision of the Constitution" to GHQ.
February 13 Whitney refuses to accept the "Gist of the Revision of the Constitution" and hands over the GHQ Draft
March 6 Japanese government announces, with the concurrence of GHQ, the "Outline of a Draft for a Revised Constitution."
April 17 Draft for a Revised Constitution is announced in ordinary language.
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May 22 First Yoshida Cabinet is formed.
June 20 Constitutional Revision Bill is submitted to the 90th session of the Imperial Diet.
November 3 The Constitution of Japan is promulgated.
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December 1 Constitution Popularization Society is established.
May 3 The Constitution of Japan is enacted.
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