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Help : User Registration for Institutions

Frequently asked questions

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What kind of institutions can register?
Any institution including libraries, university libraries, or reference rooms of corporations or research institutes can be registered. There are no restrictions on the kind of institution. However, the Library requires that a contact person be appointed to handle inquiries and be in charge of the application.

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We have many branch libraries. Can we register all of them as one institution?
Only one address can be registered per registration. So if you have many branch libraries with different locations (addresses), we ask you to register each building individually. In that case, we will register the name as a combination of the institution name and branch name.
For example, if 〇〇 University has three libraries register as institutions, one registration will be made for "Main Library, 〇〇 University", one for "△△ Library, 〇〇 University" and one for "◇◇ Library, 〇〇 University".

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We have many branch libraries. Can we register only one of them?
Yes. However, in consideration of the possibility that other branch libraries may be registered at a later date, please register the name as a combination of the institution name and branch name.

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Can multiple departments within the same building/address register individually?
We ask for departments in the same building /address to register as one institution. Please have one department register as a representative, and have other departments use the services through the representative department.

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If we are a registered institution, can we use your international loan service?
It is not enough to be a registered institution. You also need to register for the user registration system for interlibrary loan services. Please refer to Interlibrary Loan Service.

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How to apply for the user registration for institutions?
You can apply for user registration by sending the following to the address below:
ILL Section,
Kansai-kan of the National Diet Library
8-1-3 Seikadai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun,
Kyoto 619-0287, Japan
(On the envelope, please write in red "User registration application".)

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