Home > Help > Bibliographic data > Content and rules of bibliographic data

Help : Content and rules of bibliographic data

Frequently asked questions

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How may I report errors in bibliographic or authority data?
Please use the NDL inquiry form to alert us about errors and be sure to include enough information—such as bibliographic ID, authority ID, title, or name—to identify the data.

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What should I do when I have a question about the content of bibliographic data?
NDL bibliographic data is created using the Nippon Cataloging Rules and other standards. Please see our "List of Applied Rules" for further details.
Please use the NDL inquiry form to contact us whenever you have a question.

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Why is in-process data searchable even when the material is not available for circulation?
The National Diet Library provides in-process data in order to respond to patron demands for prompt release of bibliographic data on materials that are available for sale.

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What sort of regulations or manuals are used in creating bibliographic data?
It depends on the kind of materials like Japanese and Western books and serial periodicals. For more information, please refer to "List of Applied Rules".

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What is the JAPAN/MARC?
The JAPAN/MARC is a machine-readable version of the Japanese National Bibliography. For details, please refer to "How to Get Bibliographic Records > Japanese National Bibliography and JAPAN/MARC".

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