People who joined political parties in the early days
In January 1874, the Aikokukoto Party, which submitted a petition to the Meiji government for the establishment of an elected national assembly, was formed mainly by members who resigned due to being defeated regarding the Seikanron (debate on the subjugation of Korea). As the Freedom and People’s Rights Movement spread, many societies and political organizations were established all over the country. Aikokusha was formed as a national organization centered on Risshisha, which was founded by ITAGAKI Taisuke, and the Kokkai Kisei Domei (League for Establishing a National Assembly) was also launched. In 1881, the imperial edict for establishing a diet was issued, and the People’s Rights faction set out to form a new party for participating in the Diet. Here are some of the people who played an active part in key associations and political parties.
Main members of the Aikokukoto
1837 - 1919GOTO Shojiro
1838 - 1897SOEJIMA Taneomi
1828 - 1905ETO Shinpei
1834 - 1874FURUSAWA Uro
1847 - 1911
Main members of the Kokkai Kisei Domei
1837 - 1919KONO Hironaka
1849 - 1923UEKI Emori
1857 - 1892MATSUDA Masahisa
1845 - 1914KATAOKA Kenkichi
1844 - 1903
Jiyuto (Liberal Party)
It was formed on October 29, 1881, based on the Kokkai Kisei Domei (League for Establishing a National Assembly). ITAGAKI Taisuke was the prime minister (party leader) and NAKAJIMA Nobuyuki was the deputy prime minister. The core members were former feudal retainers of the Tosa domain who were excluded from the domain clique government, landlords from all over the country, and unaffiliated debaters. Although they tried to oppose the feudal domain government based on the French-style idea of liberal and civil rights, they were unable to prevent the radical faction from causing incidents such as the Fukushima Incident and the Kabasan Incident, and dissolved the party.
Prime minister (party leader)HOSHI Toru
1850 - 1901NAKAJIMA Nobuyuki
Deputy prime ministerGOTO Shojiro
1838 - 1897BABA Tatsui
1850 - 1888SUEHIRO Teccho
1849 - 1896
(Constitutional Progressive Party)
Rikken Kaishinto This political party was founded on March 16, 1882, mainly by OKUMA Shigenobu. With OKUMA Shigenobu as the prime minister and KONO Toshikama as deputy prime minister, unlike the Liberal Party they advocated a parliamentary government based on British constitutional politics. Politicians who served as officers in this party include ONO Azusa, OZAKI Yukio, YANO Ryukei, NUMAMA Norikazu, SHIMADA Saburo, and MINOURA Katsuto.
OKUMA Shigenobu
Prime ministerOZAKI Yukio
1858 - 1954YANO Ryukei
1851 - 1931ONO Azusa
1852 - 1886SHIMADA Saburo
1852 - 1923
(Constitutional Imperial Rule Party)
Rikken Teiseito The Rikken Teiseito (Constitutional Imperial Rule Party) was formed to support the government on March 18, 1882 by FUKUCHI Genichiro, president of the Tokyo Nichinichi Shimbun; MARUYAMA Sakuraku, president of the Meiji Nippo; and MIZUNO Torajiro, president of the Toyo Shimpo.
What happened to these three political parties that were formed after the edict to establish the Diet?
The Rikken Teiseito (Constitutional Imperial Rule Party), which was formed as a pro-government party, was dissolved on September 24, 1883 without receiving support from the government support. On the other hand, the opposition who competed with the Minto led to the creation of the Taiseikai, Kokumin Kyokai and the Teikokuto (Imperial Party). The various factions of the Jiyuto (Liberal Party) which were elected in the general election after the establishment of the Diet united together to form the Rikken Jiyuto (Constitutional Liberal Party, later, the Liberal Party). In 1896, the Rikken Kaishinto (Constitutional Reform Party) dissolved and the Shinpoto (Progressive Party) was formed. Both parties formed the Kenseito (Constitutional Party) on June 22, 1898, and on June 30 of the same month Japan’s first political party cabinet was created. It was called the Waihan Cabinet (the 1st Okuma Cabinet), with OKUMA Shigenobu as Prime Minister (also serving as Minister of Foreign Affairs) and ITAGAKI Taisuke as Minister for Home Affairs.
Related Information
- IBUKI Ken, Nihon Seitoshi:1890-1947 made, Shogakusha, 2005【A56-Z-H121】
- MURAKAWA Ichiro(ed.), Nihon Seitoshi jiten:1868-1989, Vol.1, Kokusho kankokai, 1998【A2-G8】