Search by Map:Search by Present-day Section:Kansai
List of Photos of Kita-ku

Imperial - Mint. Osaka
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The Imperial Mint
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The Osaka Court of Appeal
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Osaka Municipal Office
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The Osaka Branch Office of The Nippon Ginko (Bank)
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Temma Vegetable Market
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The Tenjinbashisuji, one of the Busiest Streets in Osaka
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The Dojima Rice Exchange, Osaka
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The Osaka Chamber of Commerce
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[Osaka Hoteru]
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Osaka (Umeda) Railway Station
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Loading at Osaka Station
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[Umeda Teishajo]
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The Umeda Station, Osaka.
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[Zoheikyoku no Oka]
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[Nakanoshima Koen]
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Nakanoshima park, Osaka.
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Osaka Public Library
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Nakanoshima, Ōsaka.
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Tenjin Bridge, Osaka
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Tenjin Bridge; Ōsaka.
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[Osaka Naniwabashi Dori]
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Temma Bridge, Ōsaka
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