2020-7-8 Attention!: Fake websites pretending to be the National Diet Library and the International Library of the Children's Literature
Please be cautious of fake websites that pretend to be the NDL and the ILCL, or other Japanese government agencies, local governments or enterprises. Incorrectly accessing those websites may cause damages, such as leaking information. If you find anything suspicious, please stop accessing the website immediately.
- When you access a website, please check the URL in the address bar.
- If you are not familiar with the domain, especially with the last characters (ml, cf, tk, etc.), please check the URL of the real site using other search engines.
- In general, websites of government agencies in Japan have a domain ending with .go.jp.
- If the website does not have a domain ending with .go.jp, please make sure the URL is correct by checking on the go.jp website.
- These are genuine URLs of the websites of the NDL and the ILCL:
- National Diet Library:
- Japanese: https://www.ndl.go.jp/
- English: https://www.ndl.go.jp/en/index.html
- Chinese: https://www.ndl.go.jp/zh/index.html
- Korean: https://www.ndl.go.jp/ko/index.html
- International Library of the Children's Literature:
- Japanese: https://www.kodomo.go.jp/
- English: https://www.kodomo.go.jp/english/index.html
- Chinese: https://www.kodomo.go.jp/chinese/index.html
- Korean: https://www.kodomo.go.jp/hangul/index.html