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2024-7-24 Symposium "Building on the 'Digital Shift' – Implications for the future in the Library of Congress' new strategic plan"

Under the vision "The Digital Shift at the National Diet Library" from 2021 to 2025, the National Diet Library is promoting universal access to information by making a wide range of information resources available to all users and supporting the development of a permanent national digital information infrastructure.

What role is the National Diet Library expected to play amidst the drastic changes in the information environment surrounding us? As we enter the final year of the current vision next year, the National Diet Library will hold a symposium to consider the direction of the National Diet Library in the next vision, inviting experts from Japan and abroad.

In the first half of the symposium, Mr. J. Mark Sweeney, Principal Deputy Librarian of Congress, will speak on the Library of Congress' new strategy for 2024-2028, "A Library for All," which was announced last October.

In the second half of the symposium, we will discuss the role that the National Diet Library should play in the next phase of the digital shift from various perspectives by inviting experts with deep knowledge of parliaments, information technology, education, and communities, using the new strategy of the Library of Congress as a guide.

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