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The NDL as the IFLA PAC Regional Centre for Asia

IFLA Strategic Programme on Preservation and Conservation (PAC) (link to IFLA website)

IFLA PAC was officially created during the IFLA annual conference in Nairobi in 1984 to focus efforts on issues of preservation and initiate worldwide cooperation for the preservation of library materials. The PAC programme was effectively launched in Vienna during the 1986 Conference on the Preservation of Library Materials co-organized by the Conference of the Directors of National Libraries, IFLA and UNESCO.

IFLA PAC Regional Centre for Asia

Brochure of the Centre
Brochure of the Centre (PDF: 371KB)

In 1989 the National Diet Library commenced activities as the International Federation of Library Associations Strategic Programme on Preservation and Conservation (IFLA PAC) Regional Centre for Asia. The IFLA PAC is, at present, one of six strategic programmes developed by the IFLA, and administered by a focal point, located at IFLA Headquarters, and 16 regional / national / expertise-based centres including the NDL. Its aim is to encourage preservation efforts in libraries all over the world and promote preservation activities.
The role of the NDL as the Regional Centre for Asia(PAC Asia) is to promote preservation activities not only in Japan, but more particularly in other Asian countries. In order to facilitate cooperation among libraries at home and abroad, the NDL formulated a preservation cooperation programme aimed at long- term preservation in 1990 and revised it in 2006. Since then, the NDL has been carrying out the preservation cooperation programme.
The specific aims of the preservation cooperation programme are as follows:

  1. Provide information and raise awareness
    (1) Collect and provide information related to the preservation of materials
    (2) Draw up and distribute publications
    (3) Hold symposiums and workshops
  2. Provide training and technical support
    (1) Give of training on different aspects of preservation
    (2) Dispatch lecturers
  3. Other
    (1) Promote domestic preservation activities
    (2) Facilitate international preservation activities

e-mail: pacasiaat n d l dot g o dot j p

Preservation Division (National Diet Library)

Brochure of the NDL Preservation
Brochure of the NDL Preservation (PDF: 873KB) (Oct, 2023)

The NDL is a hosting library of the IFLA PAC Regional Centre for Asia. The Preservation division covers the preservation cooperation programme relating to PAC Asia.

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