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User Surveys

User satisfaction survey of FY2024

We have prepared a survey for users of the National Diet Library (NDL). Please help us improve the usability of the NDL by answering this survey.

  • Period: From June 3 (Mon.) to October 31 (Thu.), 2024
  • Contact: Planning Division, Administrative Department, National Diet Library, Japan (hyokaat n d l dot g o dot j p)

Results of user surveys

The NDL conducted surveys for on-site users and surveys for remote users every other year from FY2004 to FY2017. Since FY2018 the NDL has conducted surveys for both on-site and remote users every year. Remote users are people who utilize our library services without visiting the NDL.

We will seriously consider the issues we have identified through the surveys in order to improve our services and operations.

Previous survey results

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