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How to use the Data Transmission Service for Persons with Print Disabilities

You can use the Data Transmission Service for Persons with Print Disabilities through the NDL Materials Search for Persons with Disabilities (Mina Search).

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How to use the service

1. Access the Mina Search website

Once you access the Mina Search website, you will be able to perform a variety of searches, including simple keyword searches, advanced searches, full-text searches, genre searches.

This is the top page of Mina Search. There are several different search methods available.
NDL Materials Search for Persons with Disabilities (Mina Search)

2. Simple search by entering keywords

You can search for keywords, include titles and author's name.

This is the top page of Mina Search. A simple search bar is available at the top of this page.
Simple search (Mina Search top page)

3. Filtering search results

There are two checkboxes that you can use to narrow down the results of a simple search.
You can limit the search results to proofread data, which excludes any text data that has not been proofread.
You can limit the search results to downloadable data.

This page lists the results of a simple search. There are two checkboxes beneath the search bar at the top of this page. There is also a link to the advanced search page.
List of the results of a simple search

4. Advanced search by specifying multiple parameters

Click the Advanced Search link in the list of results for a simple search, as shown above. Advanced search allows you to specify multiple parameters, including keywords, type of search target, and material format.

You can also access advanced search directly from the Mina Search top page.

This is an advanced search page. At the top is a button for clearing all search parameters. Beneath that is a search bar for entering keywords, and then there are checkboxes for filters that can be used to  narrow down your search results. Farther down, there are search bars for a wide range of search parameters, such as title, author or editor, or NDC classification. You can also specify a repository or database. The radio buttons at the bottom of the page are for specifying display settings, such as the number of results per page, sorting options, or display format.
Advanced Search

Click the Specify a Detailed Format link to narrow down your search to a specific material format, such as DAISY audio or plain text.

5. Full-text search of the content of a book by keyword

Search for full-text data created from digitized materials at the National Diet Library and full-text embedded in electronic files (e-books, e-magazines, or doctoral theses collected in electronic format). Full-text data created from digitized materials can be downloaded from Mina Search.

Enter a keyword in the full-text search page to find bibliographic records that include the keyword.

This is a full-text search page. At the top is a search bar for entering keywords, beneath which a list of search results is displayed. There is also a link to the advanced search page, which you can use to filter and sort your search results.
Full-text search

Click the Advanced Search link on the full-text search page to narrow down your search results by specifying detailed parameters.

This is an advanced search page for full-text searches. At the top is a button for clearing all search parameters. Beneath that are search bars for entering keywords, titles, or other parameters. Farther down, there are radio buttons for specifying display settings, such as the number results per page or sorting options.
Advanced search for full-text

6. Search for a specific genre or genres

This page displays a list of available genres. Click on the link to view a list of search results.

This is the genre search page. There are links organized by topic, such as Top 100  Downloads, Periodicals, Books for Children, Materials Produced by the National Diet Library, Data from Around the World, and The Historical  Recordings  Collection. Beneath that are links for searching by service or type of material.
Genre Search

7. Displaying a detailed bibliographic record for the data you wish to use

Click on a title from the list of search results to display a detail bibliographic record.

8. Using data

You do not have to log in to search for materials on Mina Search. But you do have to log in using your National Diet Library User ID for the Data Transmission Service for Persons with Print Disabilities to access data. You can log in by clicking the Login button at the top of the screen or the Login link under the How to Read These Materials heading at the top right of a detailed bibliographic record. Also, please understand that you must register in advance to obtain a User ID for the Data Transmission Service for Persons with Print Disabilities.

This is a detailed bibliographic record page as it appears prior to logging in to the Data Transmission Service for Persons with Print Disabilities. Login buttons are displayed in the top right of the page and beneath the How to Read These Materials heading to the right of the title.
Detailed bibliographic record for braille data prior to login

After logging in, a Download Data link will be displayed under the How to Read These Materials heading at the top right of the page. Click on this link to download the data.

This is a detailed bibliographic record page for braille data as it appears after logging in. A Download button is displayed beneath the How to Read These Materials heading.
Detailed bibliographic record for braille data with download link

The example show here is in Japanese braille and is titled Shougaisha sa-bisu tantou shokuin muke kouza: kougi shiryou:tenjiban heisei 27 nendo. “障害者サービス担当職員向け講座 : 講義資料 : 点字版 平成27年度”

DAISY audio and DAISY audio with text can also be streamed from the Mina Seach website.

This is a detailed bibliographic record page for DAISY audio as it appears after logging in. Download and Start Streaming buttons are displayed beneath the How to Read These Materials heading on the right side of the page.
Detailed bibliographic record for DAISY audio with download and streaming links

The example show here is in Japanese and is titled Kokuritu kokkai toshokan seisaku gakujutsu bunken rokuon toshomokuroku 2020 nen (DAISY audio). “国立国会図書館製作学術文献録音図書目録 2020年”(DAISY audio)

* Software that supports streaming media is necessary to sream DAISY data. Download files are in zip format.

Click the Download Full-Text Data link to download data.

This is a detailed bibliographic record page for full-text data as it appears after login. A Download Full-Text Data button is displayed beneath the How to Read These Materials heading on the right side of the page, and further down is a link for further information about the NDL Digital Collections.
Detailed bibliographic record for full-text data with download link

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Contact information

Section of Library Support for Persons with Disabilities, Library Support Division, Kansai-kan of the National Diet Library, Japan
Fax: + 81-774-94-9117
E-mail address: syo-tkyat n d l dot g o dot j p

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