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National Diet Library Disaster Preparedness Guideline

Formulated on February 3, 2010 (tentative translation)

1 Purpose

1-1 (Purpose)

National Diet Library Disaster Preparedness Guideline ("the Guideline") aims to prevent and mitigate the damage caused by the most likely disasters such as fires, earthquakes, and floods to the library collections held by the National Diet Library (NDL)'s three facilities, namely, the Tokyo Main Library, the Kansai-kan and the International Library of Children's Literature. The Guideline lists basic principles which promote disaster-preparedness in the light of preventive preservation.
Each of the NDL's three facilities has a fire protection plan which aims to mitigate the damage caused by fires, earthquakes, and other disasters, namely "National Diet Library Main Building Fire Protection Plan," "Kansai-kan of the National Diet Library Fire Protection Plan" and "National Diet Library International Library of Children's Literature Fire Protection Plan." With these three fire protection plans, this Guideline shows how to protect library collections from disasters. Based on these plans and the Guideline, we will accumulate knowledge and experience for disaster-preparedness and implement disaster-preparedness measures.
It should be noted that the word "disaster-preparedness" used in the Guideline has the same meaning as the one generally used in government organizations, meaning to prevent disasters from happening; prevent escalating damage once disasters happen; and recover from the damage caused by disasters.

1-2 (Target collections)

The target of the Guideline is the library collections which the NDL's three facilities collect and store ("the collections"). The Guideline does not include in its target the digital information which has no concrete forms

2 Principle of disaster-preparedness

2-1 (Respect for human life)

The safety of human life is always the chief priority in any emergency.

2-2 (Importance of Prevention)

Emphasis should be put on prevention of disasters.

2-3 (Prioritize the collection)

Prioritize the library collections that should be protected when a disaster occurs.

2-4 (Keeping and utilizing records of damages by disasters)

Document and keep a record of all damages caused by disasters and take advantage of them.

2-5 (Expertise and prompt action)

Response to damaged collections should be based on specialized knowledge, experience, and expertise. At the same time, salvage collections as fast as possible to minimize the damage.

2-6 (Cooperation among three facilities)

For disaster-preparedness, Tokyo Main Library, Kansai-kan and International Library of Children's Literature will cooperate.

2-7 (Cooperation with other institutions and specialists inside/outside the country)

Cooperate with other institutions and specialists for disaster-preparedness.

3 Prevention

3-1 (Prevention)

The following must be done to prevent disasters:

  • (1)Ensure security management of storage facilities and entry.
  • (2)Consider environmental measures based on IPM (Integrated Pest Management).
  • (3)Identify priority collections for protection and their storage space.
  • (4)Consider the methods of moving and salvaging damaged collections.
  • (5)Prepare equipment necessary to move and salvage damaged collections.
  • (6)Secure the equipment needed to salvage and recover collections.
  • (7)Keep and manage records of damaged collections.
  • (8)Raise awareness and implement training to prevent and respond to disasters.

3-2 (Organization for prevention)

Acquisitions and Bibliography Department prepares necessary manuals and consults with other divisions which manage collections and facilities to follow the manuals.

4 Reaction and Response (when disaster strikes)

4-1 (Salvage collections)

When a disaster occurs, take necessary actions to salvage collections based on the fire protection plans and other manuals.

4-2 (Confirmation of damage to the collections)

Damage to the collections should be confirmed and recorded after making sure that activities are safe, by using a uniform prescribed form to fill in the necessary information.

4-3 (Expertise of salvage and recovery)

It is essential to conduct correct treatment to salvage and recover damaged collections based on expertise. In order to do so, the Preservation Division should seek advice from specialists and other institutions when necessary.

4-4 (Speedy response)

In order to minimize the damage, respond as fast as possible. It should be noted that water-damaged collections may grow mold within 48 hours after water damage occurs.

4-5 (Transportation to other facilities)

Considering the damage caused by a disaster, it may be necessary to transport collections of high priority temporarily to other areas. In that case discussion should be held among the three facilities as soon as possible.

5 Cooperation

5-1 (Information Sharing)

Cooperate with related institutions and specialists inside/outside the country to accumulate and share knowledge, experience, and expertise on disaster preparedness. In order to do so, the Preservation Division should make the most of appropriate opportunities to hold lectures or training sessions.

5-2 (Dissemination of information)

As the IFLA/PAC Regional Centre for Asia, the National Diet Library should accumulate its knowledge, experience, and expertise on disaster preparedness and disseminate it through its website and by other means to the wider community inside/outside the country.

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