
  • Ames, Joseph. Typographical antiquities. London, 1749.
  • Beughem, Cornelius à. Incunabula typographiae ... Amstelodami, 1688.
  • Blasselle, Bruno. Histoire du livre. Paris, 1997.
  • Briquet, Charles-Moise. Les filigranes. Paris,Genève, 1907. 4 v.
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  • De Vinne, Theodore Low. The invention of printing. 2d ed. London, 1877.
  • Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. Bibliotheca Spenceriana. London, 1814-23. 7 v.
  • Febvre, Lucien & H.-J. Martin. L’apparition du livres. Paris, 1958.
  • Gaskell, Philipp. A new introduction to bibliography. Oxford, 1972.
  • Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. Bd. 1- Leipzig, etc., 1925-
  • Gesellschaft für Typenkunde des XV Jahrhunderts. Veröffentlichungen. Halle, 1907-39. 33 v.
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  • Id. Typenrepertorium der Wiegendrucke. Leipzig, 1905-24. 5 v.
  • Id. West-European incunabula. Munich, 1928.
  • Horne, Thomas Hartwell. An introduction to the study of bibliography. London, 1814. 2 v.
  • Insatsu Hakubutsushi. Tokyo: Toppan Insatsu, 2001.
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  • Lemoine, Henry. History, origin and progress of the art of printing, from its first invention in Germany to the end of the seventeenth century. London, 1797.
  • Luiken, Jan. Het menselyk bedryf. t'Amsterdam, 1694.
  • Marchand, Prosper. Histoire de l'origine et des premièrs progrès d'imprimerie. La Haye, 1740.
  • Morris, William. The ideal book. Berkeley, Calif. 1982.
  • Moxon, Joseph. Mechanick exercises on the whole art of printing, (1683-4). New York, 1978. (Repr. of the 1683 ed.)
  • The Origin of printing: in two essays. 2d ed. London, 1776.
  • Orlandi, Pellegrino Antonio. Origine e progressi della stampa. Bologna, 1722.
  • Ottley, William Young. An inquiry concerning the invention of printing ... London, 1862.
  • Sagawa, Michiko et al.(eds.) Shomotsu no Mori e. Machida: Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts, 1996.
  • Schramm, Albert. Der Bilderschmuck der Frühdrucke. Leipzig, 1920-43. 23 v.
  • Tomita, Shuji. Gûtenberuku Seisho no Yukue. Tokyo: Tosho Shuppansha, 1992.
  • Tsuchiya, Yoshimasa. Koyomi to Kirisutokyo. Enl. and rev. ed. Tokyo: Oriens Institute for Religious Research, 1987.
  • Weiss, Karl Theodor. Handbuch der Wasserzeichenkunde. Leipzig, 1962.
  • Wilson, Adrian. Nyurunberuku Nendaiki no Tanjô. Tr. by Tadanobu Kawai, et al. Tokyo: Yushodo Shuppan, 1993. Tr. of The making of Nuremberg chronicle.
  • Yukishima, Koichi. Union catalogue of incunabula in Japanese libraries (IJL). Tokyo: Yushodo Shuppan, 1995.
  • Yukishima, Koichi. Incunabula in Japanese libraries (IJL2). 2d ed. Tokyo, 2004.
  • Zapf, Georg Wilhelm. Augsburgs Buchdruckergeschichte nebst den Jahrbuchern derselben ... Augsburg, 1786-91. 2 v.

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