Cataloging Tools and Resources
Access Points
The National Diet Library started to use the term "access point" in place of "heading" in 2021.
Bibliographic data of the National Diet Library records access points for persons, corporate bodies or materials, and the National Diet Library makes authority data for persons, corporate bodies and works. Access points help users find and identify materials. Shown below are rules for choice and form of access points in both bibliographic and authority data.
All the authority data created and maintained by the National Diet Library are available from the Web NDL Authorities.
Rules for Choice and Form of Access Points
The National Diet Library has created rules for choice and form of access points for works, persons, corporate bodies and manifestations.
Rules for Choice and Form of Authorized Access Points for Works
- 著作に対する典拠形アクセス・ポイントの選択・形式基準 (2021年1月) (Rules for Choice and Form of Authorized Access Points for Works (January 2021)) (PDF: 453KB) (in Japanese) (Last Updated 2023-09-29)
The former rules are available on the Japanese page.
Rules for Choice and Form of Authorized Access Points for Persons
- 個人に対する典拠形アクセス・ポイントの選択・形式基準 (2021年1月) (Rules for Choice and Form of Authorized Access Points for Persons (January 2021)) (PDF: 531KB) (in Japanese) (Last Updated 2024-03-22)
Here are "過去の「個人に対する典拠形アクセス・ポイントの選択・形式基準」(Former Rules for Choice and Form of Authorized Access Points for Persons)" (in Japanese).
Rules for Choice and Form of Authorized Access Points for Families
Rules for Choice and Form of Authorized Access Points for Corporate Bodies
- 団体に対する典拠形アクセス・ポイントの選択・形式基準 (2021年1月) (Rules for Choice and Form of Authorized Access Points for Corporate Bodies (January 2021)) (PDF: 567KB) (in Japanese) (Last Updated 2021-07-30)
Here are "過去の「団体に対する典拠形アクセス・ポイントの選択・形式基準」(Former Rules for Choice and Form of Authorized Access Points for Corporate Bodies)" (in Japanese).
Rules for Choice and Form of Uncontrolled Access Points for Manifestations
- 体現形に対する非統制形アクセス・ポイントの選択・形式基準 (タイトル) (2021年1月) (Rules for Choice and Form of Uncontrolled Access Points for Manifestations (January 2021)) (PDF: 310KB) (in Japanese)
- 統一タイトル (和古書) の選択・形式基準(2021年1月) (Rules for Choice and Form for Uniform Titles (Early Japanese books) (January 2021)) (PDF: 377KB) (in Japanese)