f. GHQ編纂日本占領史「第7巻憲法改正」
GHQの統計資料局(SRS、1950年民間史料局=CHSと改称)は、日本占領の非軍事活動の概要を記録した『GHQ月報』を基礎に、論文集” History of the Non-Military Activities of the Occupation of Japan, 1945-1951”を作成し、1951年に完成させた。これは、1951年までの日本におけるGHQの活動を全55巻にまとめたもので、GHQ正史というべきものである。第7巻(Constitutional Revision)の執筆を担当したのはGHQ草案の人権規定の起草にも携わったH. E. ワイルズで、その内容は、前半(第1章・第2章)が大日本帝国憲法、後半(第3章~第6章)が日本国憲法に関する記述となっている。いくつか事実誤認があるものの、GHQ側から書かれた日本国憲法制定過程に関するもっとも基本的な文献のひとつといえる。
資料名 |
History of the Non-Military Activities of the Occupation of Japan, 1945 through December 1951, [Vol. 7] Constitutional Revision |
年月日 |
資料番号 |
History of the Non-Military Activities of the Occupation of Japan, 1945-1951 <HNA-1 Roll No. 2> |
所蔵 |
国立国会図書館 |
原所蔵 |
米国国立公文書館(RG331) |
注記 |
マイクロフィルム |
- Chapter I : Struggles For A Written Constitution
- Early Meiji Constitutional Practice, 1; Preparations For Meiji Constitution of 1889, 6.
- Chapter II : The Meiji Constitution
- Proclamation of the Meiji Constitution, 12; Rights and Duties of Subjects, 14; The Diet, 15; Ministers of State and Privy Council, 16; The Judiciary, 16; Finance, 17; Amendments, 17; Ancestor Worship as Constitutional Basis, 18; Constitutional Power of the Emperor, 19; Conservative Theory, 20; Minobe Theory, 21; Constitutional Interpretation, 23.
- Chapter III : Basic Postsurrender Policy and Preparing A Constitutional Revision Draft
- Basic Policy, 26; Need for Revision, 30; Formation of Revision Committees, 31; Conservative Reluctance to Initiate Revision, 32; Committee Reports, 33; SCAP Suggestions, 38; New Government Drafts, 41.
- Chapter IV : Creation of the New Constitution
- Cabinet Draft, 43; Consideration by Privy Council, 44; Submission to the Diet, 44; Adoption of the New Constitution, 53; Official Interpretation, 56; Imperial Rescript, 57; Legal Continuity, 57.
- Chapter V : Constitutional Provisions
- General Structure of Government, 59; The Emperor, 60; Renunciation of War, 62; Rights and Duties of the People, 63; The Diet, 66; The Cabinet, 68; The Judiciary, 69; Finance, 72; Local Self-Government, 73; Amending Procedure, 73; Supplementary Provisions, 73.
- Chapter VI : Enforcement of the Constitution
- Revised Legislation, 74; Popularization, 74; Constitution Becomes Effective, 75; Provision for Review, 76; Questions in Operation, 78.
- Appendix 1. Constitution of 1868.
- Appendix 2. Meiji Constitution of 1889.
- Appendix 3. Simplified Draft Constitution, 22 April 1946.
- Appendix 4. Report of Constitution Revision Committee to House of Representatives, 24 August 1946.
- Appendix 5. The Constitution of Japan.
- Appendix 6. Commentary of Minister of State Tokujiro Kanamori on the Constitution, October 1946.
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