d. ハッシー文書 1946年2月1日~3月6日
Alfred Hussey Papers; Constitution File No. 1は、民政局(GS)内でケーディス、ラウエルらと共にGHQ草案(いわゆるマッカーサー草案)の起草に参画したハッシー(Alfred R. Hussey, Jr.)が所蔵していた文書。ハッシーは当時海軍中佐であったが、入隊以前は米国で弁護士や裁判官として活動しており、GHQ草案の作成時には運営委員として中心的な役割を果たした。同文書は、1946(昭和21)年2月2日から3月6日までの日本国憲法制定過程に関するGHQ側の記録によって構成されており、その中にはGHQ草案を日本政府に手交した際の記録も含まれている。GHQ草案が作成された経緯を知る上で重要な文書である。なお、ハッシー旧蔵の文書は、当館以外にミシガン大学でも所蔵しており、それについては当館でマイクロフィルムによる閲覧が可能である(請求記号 YE-5)。
資料名 |
Alfred Hussey Papers; Constitution File No. 1 |
年月日 |
1 February 1946 to 6 March 1946 |
資料番号 |
所蔵 |
国立国会図書館 |
原所蔵 |
注記 |
- Outline of the Matsumoto draft submitted to SCAP.

- Check Sheet to Supreme Commander, dated 2 February 1946, translation of Mainichi Shimbun version of Matsumoto draft.

- Memorandum for the Supreme Commander, dated 1 February 1946, subject: "Constitutional reform."

- Ellerman report of Government Section meeting of 4 February 1946.

- Three basic points stated by Supreme Commander to be "musts" in constitutional revision. Government Section paper prepared about 4 February 1946.

- Memorandum setting forth organization of Public Administration Division of Government Section into committees for preparation of draft constitution.
- Ellerman notes on minutes of Government Section, Public Administration Division meetings and Steering Committee meetings between 5 February and 12 February inclusive.

- Original drafts of committee reports.

- Check Sheet, Government Section to Commander-in-Chief, dated 6 February 1946, subject :"Constitutional revision."

- Check Sheet, Government Section to Commander-in-Chief, dated 10 February 1946, subject :"Constitutional revision," with two inclosures.
- Check Sheet, CW to C-in-C, dated 12 February 1946, subject :"Proposed Constitution For Japan."
- Memorandum to Chief, Government Section, dated 12 February 1946, signed by all but three of those participating in drafting of constitution. Persons not signing, 1st Lt. Milton J. Esmon, Mr. Philip O. Keeney, and Miss Beate Sirota. Inclosure, Mimeographed copy No. 4 of draft presented to Japanese Government.

- Memorandum to Chief, Government Section, dated 12 February 1946, discussing outline of Matsumoto draft.
- Record of events on 13 February 1946.

- Letter from jiro Shirasu to General Whitney, dated 15 February 1946. (The "jeep way" letter)

- Letter from General Whitney to Mr. Shirasu, dated 16 February 1946, answering "jeep way letter."

- Letter from Dr. Matsumoto to General Whitney, dated 18 February 1946, inclosing supplementary explanation of constitutional revision.

- Memorandum to the Supreme Commander, dated 19 February 1946, referring to Shirasu visit, requesting extension.
- Memorandum for the Supreme Commander, dated 21 February 1946, with reference to the Prime Minister's visit to the Supreme Commander.
- Ellerman report of conference between General Whitney and Dr. Matsumoto of 22 February 1946.

- Memorandum to the Supreme Commander, dated 25 February 1946, with respect to cabinet appointments.
- Memorandum for the Chief, Government Section, dated 25 February 1946, reporting the Narahashi picnic.
- Letter, Dr. Matsumoto to General Whitney, dated February 28, 1946.
- General MacArthur's statement of 6 March 1946 approving new constitution.

- Imperial message accepting draft constitution, dated 6 March 1946.
- Draft constitution for Japan accepted by the Cabinet on 6 March 1946.

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