A.I.P.P.I. = 一般社団法人日本国際知的財産保護協会月報 : Journal of the Japanese Group of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property.(東京 : 日本国際知的財産保護協会, 1991-2021)Z14-12 41 (4) 1996.04~NDL SEARCH
Aakash working paper(Kyoto : Aakash Project of Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, [2022]-)Z76-B26 (2):2023.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
AAMT journal : Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation journal.(東京 : アジア太平洋機械翻訳協会, 1992-)Z14-2015 (64):2017.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
AATEX-JaCVAM : the official journal of the Japanese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments, JSAAE.(Tokyo : Japanese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments, [2012]-)Z74-H560 1(1):2012.9.30-NDL SEARCHRSS
Abrasive technology : 砥粒加工学会誌 : journal of the Japan Society for Abrasive Technology.(東京 : 砥粒加工学会, 1987-)Z16-1147 40 (4) 1996.07~NDL SEARCHRSS
Academe : first forays into academic writing : a journal on the art of academic writing.([Kyoto] : Global Stories Press, c2018-)Z76-A972 2(2):2019.7-NDL SEARCHRSS
Academia : 会誌.(京都 : 全国日本学士会, 1983-)Z24-913 (138):2013.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
Acta Pathologica Japonica.(Tokyo : Published by Blackwell Scientific Publications for the Japanese Society of Pathology, 1951-1993.)Z53-N324 16 (1) 1966.02~33 (5) 1983.09NDL SEARCH
Acta Scholae Medicinalis Universitatis in Kioto.(Kyoto : Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto Univ., 1916-1970.)Z53-C451 27 (1) 1949.09~30 (1) 1952.07 ; 36 (3) 1960.05~39 (1) 1964.03NDL SEARCH
Actinia : Bulletin of the Manazuru Marine Laboratory for Science Education, Faculty of Education and Human Sciences, Yokohama National University.([真鶴町 (神奈川県) ] : 横浜国立大学教育人間科学部附属理科教育実習施設, 1999-)Z74-C879 (12) 1999~NDL SEARCH
Active : 市民活動情報誌.([北九州] : 向陽舎 ; 2001-2006.)Z71-F54 (1) 2001.04.30~NDL SEARCH
Advanced experimental mechanics / Editorial board for advanced experimental mechanics [編].(Niigata : The Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics, 2016-)Z63-D560 2:2017.8-NDL SEARCHRSS
Advances in exercise and sports physiology.(Tsukuba : Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology, 1994-)Z61-F145 2 (2) 1996.11~NDL SEARCHRSS
Advances in mathematical economics.(Tokyo : Springer, 1999-)Z61-G438 16:2012-NDL SEARCH
Advances in mathematical economics.([Singapore] : Springer Nature.)Z61-G438 20:2016NDL SEARCH
Aeronautical Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Report.(Tokyo : Aeronautical Research Institute, University of Tokyo, 1958-1964.)Z53-G112 (通号: 357) 1960.06~(通号: 378) 1963.09NDL SEARCH
Aeschna : Journal of the Odonatological Society of Osaka.(大阪 : 蜻蛉研究会, [1974]-)Z18-B258 (54):2018.5.10-NDL SEARCHRSS
Agricultural and biological chemistry.(Tokyo : Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry, 1961-1991.)Z53-G223 25 (1) 1961.01~28 (3) 1964.03NDL SEARCH
Air & space power studies = エア・アンド・スペース・パワー研究 / 航空自衛隊幹部学校 編(東京 : 航空自衛隊幹部学校 = Air Command and Staff College, Japan Air Self-Defense Force, 2021-)Z72-J100 7:2021.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
AJI journal : journal of the Asia-Japan Research Institute of Ritsumeikan University.([Ibaraki] : Asia-Japan Research Institute, Ritsumeikan University, [2019]-)Z62-B74 1:2019-NDL SEARCHRSS
AJR : American journal of roentgenology.(Tokyo : Blackwell Publishing, 2005-2007.)Z74-E834 1 (1) 2005.09~2 (4) 2007.07NDL SEARCH
Al-madaniyya : Keio bulletin of Middle Eastern and Asian urban history(Tokyo : Keio University Faculty of Letters, Department of Asian History, [2021]-)Z62-B91 (1):2021-NDL SEARCHRSS
Allergy : European journal of allergy and clinical immunology : official journal of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology : highlights from the official journal of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.(東京 : ワイリー・パブリッシング・ジャパン, c2015-c2019.)Z74-J553 1(1):2015.4-NDL SEARCH
Animal behaviour and management : official journal of Japanese Society of Livestock Management and Japanese Society for Applied Animal Behaviour : 日本家畜管理学会誌・応用動物行動学会誌.(宮崎 : 日本家畜管理学会, 2005-)Z18-817 41 (1) 2005~NDL SEARCHRSS
Annals of nuclear cardiology : official journal of the Japanese Society of Nuclear Cardiology.(Tokyo : The Japanese Society of Nuclear Cardiology, 2015-)Z63-D557 1(1):2015.8-NDL SEARCHRSS
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics / edited by the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo(Tokyo : Springer Japan, 1949-)Z51-A48 NDL SEARCHRSS
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics / edited by the Institute of Statistical Mathematics.(Tokyo : Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 1949-)Z51-A48 1 (2) 1950.03~4 (2) 1952.11 ; 13 (1) 1961~15 (2) 1963 ; 18 (1) 1966~NDL SEARCH
Annals of tuberculosis.(Tenri : Research Institute for Tuberculosis, [1950]-[1960])Z53-M432 10 (1) 1959.07~10 (2) 1959.11NDL SEARCH
Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses.(Tokyo : Zoological Society of Japan, 1897-1983.)Z53-C166 33 (3) 1960.09~37 (1) 1964.03NDL SEARCH
Annual of the Japanese Biblical Institute.(Tokyo : The Japanese Biblical Institute ; 1975-c2018.)Z62-A141 37:2011-NDL SEARCH
Annual report / Tottori University, Arid Land Research Center.(Tottori : Arid Land Research Center, Tottori University, 1990-)Z63-C56 (通号: 1990/1991) 1991.03~(通号: 1993-94) 1994.12NDL SEARCH
Annual report of Quantum Science and Engineering Center.(Uji : Quantum Science and Engineering Center, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, 1999-)Z63-C795 15:2012.4-2013.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
Annual report of the Center for Adult Diseases.(Osaka : Center for Adult Diseases, 1961-)Z53-D489 2:1962-(通号: 3) 1963NDL SEARCH
Annual report of the Earth Simulator Center.(Yokohama : Earth Simulator Center, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 2003-2014.)Z63-D173 2011.4-2012.3-NDL SEARCH
Annual report of the earth simulator.(Yokohama : Center for Earth Information Science and Technology, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 2015-2017.)Z63-D552 2014.4-2015.3-NDL SEARCH
Annual report of the Japanese Society for Tuberculosis.(Tokyo : Japanese Society for Tuberculosis, 1956-1961.)Z53-D392 (通号: 5) 1960.06~(通号: 5) 1960.06NDL SEARCH
Annual review of English learning and teaching / 大学英語教育学会九州・沖縄支部 編(久留米 : 大学英語教育学会九州・沖縄支部事務局, 1996-)Z72-V782 (6):2001-NDL SEARCHRSS
Anthropological science = 人類学雑誌 : journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon.(Tokyo : Anthropological Society of Nippon, 1993-)Z19-11 101 (1) 1993.01~105 (5) 1997.12NDL SEARCH
Anthropological science.(Tokyo : Anthropological Society of Nippon, 1993-)Z54-J370 106 (1) 1998.01~NDL SEARCHRSS
Anthropological science. Japanese series : the official journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon.([東京] : [日本人類学会], 1998-)Z19-11 106 (1) 1998.07~NDL SEARCHRSS
API working papers / 政策情報学会学会誌編集委員会 編.(市川 : 政策情報学会事務局, 2006-2009.)Z71-S291 1 (1) 2006~NDL SEARCH
APN science bulletin : global environmental change.(Kobe : The APN Secretariat, c2011-[2016])Z61-J764 1:2011.3-NDL SEARCH
Applied biological science : official publication of Society of Biological Science / Center for Research and Development of Bioresources, Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, Osaka Prefecture University [編].(Sakai : Society of Biological Science, 1995-2008.)Z18-B360 5 (2) 1999~9 (1) 2008NDL SEARCH
Artes : 宝塚大学紀要 : Bulletin of Takarazuka University.(大阪 : 宝塚大学, 1988-)Z11-1879 (通号: 12) 1998~NDL SEARCHRSS
Artes liberales : Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Iwate University = アルテスリベラレス : 岩手大学人文社会科学部紀要 / 岩手大学人文社会科学部紀要・図書委員会 編.([盛岡] : 岩手大学人文社会科学部, 1966-2022)Z22-128 (通号: 1) 1966.12~NDL SEARCH
Artes mundi = アルテス・ムンディ.(日進 : 名古屋外国語大学ワールドリベラルアーツセンター, 2016-)Z72-M11 1:2016.Spr.-NDL SEARCHRSS
Asia-Pacific journal of regional science / Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International.(Tokyo : Springer Japan, c2017-)Z76-A942 1(2):2017-NDL SEARCH
Asian ethnology.(Nagoya : Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture, c2008-)Z51-H272 67 (1) 2008~NDL SEARCHRSS
Asian journal of human services.(青梅 : Asian Society of Human Services ; 2011-2015.)Z72-D807 1:2011.9-NDL SEARCH
Asian journal of management sciences & education.(Chikusei : Leena and Luna International, 2012-)Z76-A774 1(2):2012.7-NDL SEARCHRSS
Asian journal of natural and applied sciences.(Oyama : Leena and Luna International, 2012-)Z78-A740 1(2):2012.6-NDL SEARCHRSS
Asian journal of paleopathology : the official journal of Japanese Society of Paleopathology.([上越] : [日本古病理学研究会], [2017]-)Z74-K269 1:2017.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
Asian journal of social sciences & humanities.(Chikusei : Leena and Luna International, 2012-)Z76-A775 1(2):2012.5-NDL SEARCHRSS
Asian Pacific journal of dentistry : APJD.([Tokyo] : Oral Health Association of Japan, 2011-)Z78-A672 11(2):2011.7-12-NDL SEARCHRSS
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry.(Tokyo : Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry.)Z53-G223 60 (12) 1996.12~NDL SEARCH
BMT : bearing&motion-tech : ベアリングおよびモーション技術の情報誌.(東京 : メカニカル・テック社, 2016-)Z74-K22 (1):2016.7-NDL SEARCHRSS
Bone joint nerve = こつ・かんせつ・しんけい : BJN : 感覚・運動骨格機能系の学術研究誌 / Bone Joint Nerve編集委員会 編(東京 : アークメディア, 2011-2021)Z74-H112 1(1)=1:2011.4-NDL SEARCH
Book & bread : Japanese Board on Books for Young People (JBBY) bulletin = ブックアンドブレッド : (一社)日本国際児童図書評議会(JBBY)会報.(東京 : 日本国際児童図書評議会, [2010]-)Z21-1086 (104):2010.6-NDL SEARCHRSS
Book arts and crafts([東京] : 本づくり協会, 2016-)Z72-V758 7:2022.9-NDL SEARCHRSS
Book design.(東京 : ワークスコーポレーション, 2003-2004.)Z71-K851 1 2003.10~2 2004.04NDL SEARCH
Bookbird = ブックバード日本版 : a journal of international children's literature / マイティブック 編.(東京 : マイティブック, 2009-2013.)Z72-B679 (0) 2009.12~NDL SEARCH
British Council Information Centre newsletter.(東京 : ブリティッシュ・カウンシル図書館情報センター, 1998-[200-])Z21-B43 (通号: 20) 1999~(通号: 21) 1999NDL SEARCH
Brücke = 大学院紀要 : Beiträge von Magistranten und Doktoranden des Faches Germanistik an der Dokkyo Universität / Brücke編集委員会 編.(草加 : 獨協大学大学院外国語学研究科, 1989-)Z12-B155 (通号: 13) 2000.05~NDL SEARCHRSS
BtoB communications : BtoB コミュニケーション : business to business communications.(東京 : 日本BtoB広告協会, 2012-)Z71-V428 44(4)=502:2012.4-NDL SEARCHRSS
Bulletin de la Societe Franco-Japonaise de Biologie = 日仏生物学会誌.(仙台 : 日仏生物学会, 1977-)Z18-45 47 2007~NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of Asian Design Culture Society([千葉] : [アジアデザイン文化学会], 2014-)YH247-1447 9:2015.5-NDL SEARCHRSS
Bulletin of Asian Design Culture Society : International Symposium of Asian Design Culture Society.([千葉] : [アジアデザイン文化学会], [2010]-)Z72-D897 5:2010.10-NDL SEARCHRSS
Bulletin of brewing science.(Tokyo : Brewing Scientific Research Institute, [1955]-)Z53-H401 (通号: 6) 1961.08~(通号: 9) 1963.08NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of Gunma Museum of Natural History = 群馬県立自然史博物館研究報告 / 群馬県立自然史博物館 編.(富岡 : 群馬県立自然史博物館, 1996-)Z74-H440 (19):2015.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
Bulletin of Japan Petroleum Institute.(Tokyo : Japan Petroleum Institute, 1959-)Z53-J50 (通号: 2) 1960.03~(通号: 5) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry.(岡崎 : 錯体化学会, 2001-)Z74-F692 (38):2001.11-NDL SEARCHRSS
Bulletin of JSME.(Tokyo : Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1958-1986.)Z53-E315 3 (11) 1960.08~7 (25) 1964.02NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of Naniwa University. Ser. A, Engineering and natural sciences.(Sakai : Naniwa Univ., 1953-1955.)Z53-E214 (通号: 1) 1953.03~(通号: 1) 1953.03NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Research Institute.(Takatsuki : Pharmaceutical Research Institute, 1951-[1973])Z53-D220 (通号: 2) 1951.12~(通号: 2) 1951.12 ; (通号: 28) 1960.04~(通号: 48) 1964.01NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of Saitama Medical School Premedical Course / 埼玉医科大学医学基礎部門紀要委員会 編.(毛呂山町 (埼玉県) : 埼玉医科大学医学基礎部門, 2002-2006.)Z22-1214 (9) 2002~NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan.(Tokyo : Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan, 1924-1960.)Z53-G223 24 (4) (Suppl.) 1960.06~24 (7) 1960.12NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the Ancient Orient Museum = 古代オリエント博物館紀要.(Tokyo : Ancient Orient Museum, 1980-)Z51-M119 33:2013-NDL SEARCHRSS
Bulletin of the Cancer Institute, Okayama University Medical School.(Okayama : Okayama University Medical School, 1961-)Z53-M453 (通号: 1) 1961.08~(通号: 2) 1962.12NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the Center for Astronomy, University of Hyogo = 兵庫県立大学天文科学センター紀要 / 兵庫県立大学自然・環境科学研究所天文科学センター 編.(佐用町 (兵庫県) : 兵庫県立大学自然・環境科学研究所天文科学センター, 2013-2017.)Z74-J43 (1):2013-NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the Centre for Informatics,Waseda University / 早稲田大学情報科学研究教育センター [編].(東京 : 早稲田大学情報科学研究教育センター, 1985-1997.)Z14-1111 (通号: 20) 1996.05~(通号: 21) 1997.03NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan.(Tokyo : Chemical Society of Japan, 1926-2018.)Z53-B35 23 (1) 1950.05~25 (5) 1952.10 ; 33 (8) 1960.08~37 (3) 1964.03 ; 69 (6) 1996.06~NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the College of Science, University of the Ryukyus / 琉球大学理学部 編.(西原町 (沖縄県) : 琉球大学理学部, 1985-1990.)Z14-536 (通号: 40) 1985.10~(通号: 49) 1990.03NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University.(Yokohama : Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National Univ., 1951-2001.)Z53-C328 (通号: 3) 1951~(通号: 3) 1951 ; (通号: 11) 1962.03~(通号: 12) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the Fiber and Textile Research Foundation / 繊維工業研究協会報告編集委員会 編.(福井 : 繊維工業研究協会, 1991-2007.)Z17-1494 (通号: 7) 1997.04~16 2006NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the Geographical Survey Institute.(Tsukuba : Geographical Survey Institute, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, 1950-2009.)Z53-B183 2(1) 1950.07~2 (4) 1951.10 ; 6 (4) 1961.03~9 (1・2) 1964.01 ; 47 2001.03~57 2009.12NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan / Geospatial Information Authority of Japan, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism 編.(Tsukuba : Geospatial Information Authority of Japan, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, 2010-)Z53-B183 58 2010.12~NDL SEARCHRSS
Bulletin of the Heart Institute, Japan.(Tokyo : Tokyo Women's Medical College, 1957-1982.)Z53-D316 4 (1) 1960.07~(通号: 1962) 1962NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the Hiroshima Botanical Garden = 広島市植物公園紀要.(広島 : 広島市植物公園 ; 1977-)Z18-1227 (30):2012.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University.(Kyoto : Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 1953-1995.)Z53-B47 31 (2) 1953.03 ; 38 (2・3) 1960.06~41 (2・3・4) 1963.10NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the International Institute for Buddhist Studies = 国際仏教学研究所紀要.(東京 : 国際仏教学大学院大学附置国際仏教学研究所, [2018]-)Z72-R276 (1):2018-NDL SEARCHRSS
Bulletin of the Kyushu Institute of Technology. Mathematics, Natural Science.(Kitakyushu : Kyushu Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering, 1955-1997.)Z53-M286 (通号: 8) 1961.06~(通号: 10) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the Marine Biological Station of Asamushi, Tohoku University.(Aomori : Marine Biologicasl Station, Tohoku University, 1954-1997.)Z53-C5 10 (3) 1961.03~11 (1) 1962.03NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the Naniwa University. Ser. B, Agriculture and biology.(Sakai : Naniwa University, 1952-1954.)Z53-G296 (通号: 2) 1952~(通号: 4) 1955.02NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series B, Botany / National Museum of Nature and Science.(Tokyo : National Museum of Nature and Science, 2007-)Z53-S372 33 (1) 2007.03~NDL SEARCHRSS
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology = 国立科学博物館研究報告. A類, 動物学 / National Museum of Nature and Science.(Tokyo : National Museum of Nature and Science, 2007-2020)Z53-S367 33 (1) 2007.03~NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series C, Geology & paleontology = 国立科学博物館研究報告. C類, 地質学・古生物学 / 国立科学博物館 編.(東京 : 国立科学博物館, 2007-2017.)Z53-S373 33 2007~NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series D, Anthropology = 国立科学博物館研究報告. D類, 人類学 / 国立科学博物館 編(Tokyo : National Museum of Nature and Science, 2007-2020)Z53-S387 33 2007.12~NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series E, Physical sciences & engineering = 国立科学博物館研究報告. E類, 理工学 / 国立科学博物館 編.(東京 : 国立科学博物館, 2007-2020)Z74-G450 30 2007.12~NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the National Research Laboratory of Metrology.(Tokyo : National Research Laboratory of Metrology, Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, 1962-1980.)Z53-M441 (通号: 4) 1962.02~(通号: 7) 1963.11NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series A, Zoology / National Science Museum.(Tokyo : National Science Museum, 1975-2006.)Z53-S367 1 (1) 1975.03~32 (4) 2006.12NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series B, Botany / National Science Museum.(Tokyo : National Science Museum, 1975-2006.)Z53-S372 1 (1) 1975.03~32 (4) 2006.12NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series C, Geology & Paleontology.(Tokyo : National Science Museum, 1976-2006.)Z53-S373 2 (1) 1976.03~32 2006.12NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series C, Geology.(Tokyo : National Science Museum, 1975.)Z53-S373 1 (1) 1975.03~1 (4) 1975.12NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series E, Physical Sciences & Engineering.(Tokyo : National Science Museum, 1978-2006.)Z53-V191 (通号: 5) 1982~29 2006NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series D, Anthropology = 国立科学博物館研究報告. D類, 人類学 / 国立科学博物館 編(Tokyo : National Science Museum, 1975-2006.)Z53-S387 (通号: 1) 1975.12~32 2006NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the Osaka Medical School.(Takatsuki : Osaka Medical College, 1954-1987.)Z53-C482 6 (1) 1960.04~(通号: Suppl.7) 1963.07NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the Tokyo Institute of Technology.(Tokyo : Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1961-1975.)Z53-C327 (通号: 42) 1961.09~(通号: 56) 1963.10NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Ser. B.(Tokyo : Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1950-1960.)Z53-C327 1950(1):1950.3-1951(2):1951.3 ; 1960(1):1960.1-1960(5):1960.9NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of Tokyo Medical and Dental University.(Tokyo : Tokyo Medical and Dental University, 1954-1996.)Z53-C487 7 (1) 1960.03~10 (4) 1963.12NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of University of Osaka Prefecture. Ser. A, Engineering and Natural Sciences.(Sakai : University of Osaka Prefecture, [195-]-1995.)Z53-E214 8 (2) 1960.03~12 (1) 1963.09NDL SEARCH
Bulletin of University of Osaka Prefecture. Ser. B, Agriculture and Biology.(Sakai : University of Osaka Prefecture, 1955-1992.)Z53-G296 (通号: 6) 1957.01~(通号: 13) 1962.03NDL SEARCH
Business i. ENECO = ビジネスアイエネコ : エネルギーと地球環境の明日を考える経済専門誌.(東京 : 日本工業新聞新社, 2010-2020.)Z14-373 43 (4) (通号: 506) 2010.04~NDL SEARCH
Business insight = 季刊ビジネス・インサイト : the journal for deeper insights into business / 現代経営学研究所, 神戸大学大学院経営学研究科 編(神戸 : 現代経営学研究所, 1993-2022)Z4-1420 4 (2) 1996.06~NDL SEARCH
Cardiovascular anesthesia : the journal of the Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists.(東京 : [日本心臓血管麻酔学会], 1997-)Z19-B908 20(1):2016-NDL SEARCHRSS
Cardiovascular intervention and therapeutics / Japanese Association of Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics [編].(Tokyo : Springer Japan, [2010]-)Z78-A724 27(2):2012.5-NDL SEARCH
CI研究 : 日本脳神経CI学会機関誌 = Progress in computed imaging : official journal of the Japan Society for CNS Computed Imaging / 「CI研究」編集事務局 編(観音寺 : 日本脳神経CI学会, 1992-)Z19-1004 41(1):2019-NDL SEARCHRSS
Circles : for the future of quality care.(大阪 : 福田商店広告部, c1999-2008.)Z74-B853 1 (2) 1999~10 (3) (通号: 30) 2008NDL SEARCH
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society.(Kyoto : Japanese Circulation Society, 2002-)Z54-B860 78(1):2014.1-NDL SEARCHRSS
Coastal marine science.(Otsuchi, Iwate : International Coastal Research Center, Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo, 2004-)Z63-D163 (29-1) 2004~NDL SEARCHRSS
Congenital anomalies : the official journal of the Japanese Teratology Society.(Kyoto : Japanese Teratology Society, 1987-)Z19-333 27 (1) 1987.03~43 (4) 2003NDL SEARCH
Container age : The authoritative voice of intermodal transportation and distribution.(柏 : コンテナエージ社, [1967]-)Z5-285 (通号: 347) 1996.06~NDL SEARCHRSS
Contexture : 埼玉工業大学教養紀要 : Liberal arts bulletin of Saitama Institute of Technology / 埼玉工業大学基礎教育センター 編.(深谷 : 埼玉工業大学出版会, 1984-2014.)Z22-1302 (通号: 17) 1999~NDL SEARCH
Contributions from the Institute of Low Temperature Science. Ser. A.(Sapporo : Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, 1962-1994.)Z53-A454 (通号: 17) 1962.12~(通号: 17) 1962.12NDL SEARCH
Contributions from the Institute of Low Temperature Science. Ser. B.(Sapporo : Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, 1962-1986.)Z53-M406 (通号: 11) 1962.03~(通号: 12) 1962.03NDL SEARCH
Correspondence : Hitotsubashi journal of arts and literature.(Kunitachi : Graduate School of Language and Society, Hitotsubashi University, 2016-)Z65-A961 (1):2016-NDL SEARCHRSS
Cultures/critiques = 文化/批評 : journal of international Japanese cultural studies / 「文化/批評」編集委員会 編.(豊中 : 国際日本学研究会, 2009-)Z71-X747 (1) 2009.03~NDL SEARCHRSS
Current Herpetology.(Kyoto : Herpetological Society of Japan, 2000-)Z54-J527 19 (1) 2000.06~NDL SEARCHRSS
Current Hiroshima = カレントひろしま : economic research / 広島銀行営業企画部法人企画室 編(広島 : 広島銀行営業企画部, 1986-)Z3-1981 (通号: 161) 1999.04~NDL SEARCHRSS
Direct marketing review : Journal of the Academic Society of Direct Marketing / 日本ダイレクトマーケティング学会学会誌編集委員会 編.(東京 : 日本ダイレクトマーケティング学会学会誌編集委員会, 2002-)Z71-J2 1 2002.03~NDL SEARCHRSS
Discussion paper / 名古屋学院大学総合研究所 [編].(Nagoya : 名古屋学院大学総合研究所, [1980]-)Z41-B27 (89):2012.2-NDL SEARCHRSS
Discussion paper new series / School of Economics, Osaka Prefecture University [編].(Sakai : School of Economics, Osaka Prefecture University, 1986-)Z41-6450 2012(1):2012.2-NDL SEARCHRSS
Discussion paper series.(Nagasaki : Faculty of Economics, Nagasaki University, 1998-)Z71-B403 2000 (1) 2000.06~NDL SEARCHRSS
Discussion paper series.(小樽 : 小樽商科大学グローカル戦略推進センター研究支援部門, 1992-[2019])Z71-B853 (通号: 44) 1998.05~NDL SEARCH
Discussion paper series.(Fukuoka : Faculty of Economics, Kyushu University, 2000-)Z71-E553 2001 (1) 2001.02~NDL SEARCHRSS
Discussion paper series.(Fukuoka : Graduate School of Economics, Kyushu University, [2008]-)Z72-K451 2015(1):2015.3-NDL SEARCH
DIVA : Digital, interactive and visual art / 芸術科学会 責任編集.(東京 : 夏目書房, 2001-)Z74-D10 (0) 2001.01~NDL SEARCH
DJ business : 酪農乳業のためのビジネス専門誌.(東京 : デーリィ・ジャパン社, 2007-2008.)Z71-S464 1 2007.03~11 2008.11NDL SEARCH
Dōjin journal : an academic journal on popular cultures established by the International Research Center for Japanese Studies(Kyoto : International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Project Promotion Office = 国際日本文化研究センタープロジェクト推進室, 2021-)Z76-B18 (2):2022-NDL SEARCHRSS
Dokkyo journal of medical sciences = 獨協医学会雑誌(壬生町 (栃木県) : 獨協医学会, 1974-)Z74-L459 50(2):2023.12-NDL SEARCHRSS
Drug delivery system : DDS : official journal of the Japan Society of Drug Delivery System / 日本DDS学会 編.(東京 : 日本DDS学会 ; 2000-)Z19-1945 21 (5) (通号: 109) 2006.09~NDL SEARCHRSS
The Economic studies quarterly : The Journal of the Japan Association of Economics and Econometrics / 理論・計量経済学会 [編].(東京 : 理論・計量経済学会 ; 1986-1994.)Z3-435 37 (1) 1986.03~45 (5) 1994.12NDL SEARCH
ECPR : Ehime Center for Policy Research : 調査研究情報誌(松山 : えひめ地域政策研究センター, 2000-2022)Z71-L795 (2):2001.Spr.-NDL SEARCH
English linguistics : Journal of the English Linguistic Society of Japan.(Tokyo : English Linguistic Society of Japan, 1984-)Z62-A228 30(1):2013.6-NDL SEARCHRSS
Entomological science.(Tokyo : Entomological Society of Japan, 1998-)Z54-J320 1 (1) 1998.03~7 (2) 2004.06NDL SEARCH
Environment control in biology / Japanese Society of Environment Control in Biology, Japanese Society of High Technology in Agriculture, Biotron Institute, Kyushu University.(Fukuoka : Japanese Society of Environment Control in Biology, 2005-)Z78-A361 43 (1) 2005.03~NDL SEARCHRSS
ERINA report / 新潟県立大学北東アジア研究所企画広報委員会 編(新潟 : 新潟県立大学北東アジア研究所 = University of Niigata Prefecture Economic and Social Research Institute for Notheast Asia, 2024-)Z72-X874 (1):2024.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
ESD・SDGsセンター研究紀要 = Bulletin of Center for ESD and SDGs([奈良] : 奈良教育大学ESD・SDGsセンター = Center for ESD and SDGs, Nara University of Education, 2023-)Z72-W967 (1):2023.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
ESD研究 = Journal of ESD research / 日本ESD学会・学会誌編集委員会 編.(奈良 : 日本ESD学会, 2018-)Z72-R393 1:2018.8-NDL SEARCHRSS
Esophagus : official journal of the Japan Esophageal Society(Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore)Z78-A741 16(4):2019.10-19(4):2022.10NDL SEARCH
Esophagus : official journal of the Japan Esophageal Society / The Japan Esophageal Society [編].(Tokyo : Springer Japan, [2003]-)Z78-A741 9(2):2012.6-NDL SEARCH
ESPの研究と実践 = Research and practice in ESP / 大学英語教育学会九州・沖縄支部ESP研究会 編.(清武町 (宮崎県) : 大学英語教育学会九州・沖縄支部ESP研究会, 2002-)Z71-H716 ([1]) 2002.03~NDL SEARCHRSS
Fisheries science / Japanese Society of Fisheries Science.([Tokyo] : [Springer Japan], 2009-)Z54-H592 77(6):2011.11-NDL SEARCHRSS
Fisheries science.(Tokyo : Japanese Society of Fisheries Science, 1994-)Z54-H592 60 (1) 1994.02~70 (3) 2004.06NDL SEARCH
Fitness business / クラブビジネスジャパン 編.(東京 : クラブビジネスジャパン, [2002]-)Z71-R850 (1):2002.7-NDL SEARCHRSS
Five star magazine : 士業事務所のための経営専門誌 : the magazine for professional firms / Five star magazine編集部 編([東京] : LIFE & MAGAZINE, [2016]-)Z72-V818 (79):2024.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
Food culture : journal of the Kikkoman Institute for International Food Culture.(Noda : Kikkoman Institute for International Food Culture, [20--]-)Z61-K5 (27):2017-NDL SEARCHRSS
Frontier of foreign language education = 外国語教育のフロンティア.(箕面 : 大阪大学大学院言語文化研究科, 2018-)Z72-P549 1:2018-NDL SEARCHRSS
Frontiers in alcoholism = アルコーリズム : アルコール依存症と関連問題 / 「Frontiers in alcoholism」編集委員会 編.(大阪 : メディカルレビュー社, 2013-)Z74-H821 1(1)=1:2013.7-NDL SEARCHRSS
Frontiers in Asia-Pacific language and culture studies = 亚太语言文化研究 / School of Foreign Languages, Southeast University, Japan Asia International Education Center(福岡 : 櫂歌書房, 2023-)Z76-B47 データ整備中NDL SEARCHRSS
Frontiers in haemophilia.(東京 : メディカルレビュー社, 2014-)Z74-J272 1(1)=1:2014.8-NDL SEARCHRSS
Frontiers of North East Asian studies.([Kyoto] : The Association for Northeast Asian Regional Studies Japan, [2013]-[201-])Z62-A845 12:2013.10-NDL SEARCH
Fukuoka Jo Gakuin University bulletin. Faculty of International Career Development = 福岡女学院大学紀要. 国際キャリア学部編 / 福岡女学院大学国際キャリア学部 編.(福岡 : 福岡女学院大学国際キャリア学部, 2015-2023)Z72-K191 1:2015-NDL SEARCH
Funkcialaj ekvacioj. Serio internacia / edited by Division of Functional Equations, the Mathematical Society of Japan.(Kobe : Dept. of Mathematics, Kobe University, 1958-)Z53-A274 3 (2) 1961.10~5 (2) 1963.10NDL SEARCH
Fusus : アジア鋳造技術史学会誌 : journal of the Society for the History of Asian Casting Technology / Fusus編集委員会 編.(高岡 : アジア鋳造技術史学会, 2008-)Z71-W991 (1) 2008.09~NDL SEARCHRSS
Gallia : bulletin de la Société de Langue et Littérature Françaises, de l'Université d'Osaka / 大阪大学フランス語フランス文学会 編.(豊中 : 大阪大学フランス語フランス文学会, 1953-)Z12-175 (39) 1999~NDL SEARCHRSS
Gastric cancer : official journal of the International Gastric Cancer Association and the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association / International Gastric Cancer Association, Japanese Gastric Cancer Association [編].(Tokyo : Springer Japan, [1998]-)Z78-A726 15(2):2012-NDL SEARCHRSS
Geibun : bulletin of the Faculty of Art and Design, University of Toyama : 富山大学芸術文化学部紀要 / 紀要委員会 企画・編集.(高岡 : 富山大学芸術文化学部, 2006-2016.)Z71-S446 1 2006.12~NDL SEARCH
GEMC journal : グローバル時代の男女共同参画と多文化共生 : gender equality and multicultural conviviality in the age of globalization / 東北大学グローバルCOE「グローバル時代の男女共同参画と多文化共生」GEMC journal編集委員会 編.(仙台 : 東北大学グローバルCOE「グローバル時代の男女共同参画と多文化共生」, 2009-2013.)Z72-B571 (1):2009.3-NDL SEARCH
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU = ジェンダー&セクシュアリティ : 国際基督教大学ジェンダー研究センタージャーナル / 国際基督教大学ジェンダー研究センター編集委員会 編.(三鷹 : 国際基督教大学ジェンダー研究センター, 2005-)Z71-P335 (0) 2005~NDL SEARCHRSS
Genes & genetic systems.(Mishima : Genetics Society of Japan, 1962-[2020])Z53-W539 71 (1) 1996.02~NDL SEARCH
Genes and environment : the official journal of the Japanese Environmental Mutagen Society.(Tokyo : Japanese Environmental Mutagen Society, 2006-2014.)Z78-A397 28 (1) 2006.02~NDL SEARCH
GET九州 : 日本応用地質学会九州支部会報・九州応用地質学会会報 = Geology, environmentology and technology in Kyushu : journal of the Kyushu Branch, Japan Society of Engineering Geology : journal of the Kyushu Society of Engineering Geology / 日本応用地質学会九州支部, 九州応用地質学会 編.(福岡 : 日本応用地質学会九州支部 ; 2005-)Z15-723 (26) 2005.03~NDL SEARCHRSS
GHM open(Tokyo : National Center for Global Health and Medicine, [2021]-)Z78-B58 1(2):2021.12-NDL SEARCHRSS
GIS journal : the Hosei journal of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies.(Tokyo : Department of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies, Hosei University, [2015]-)Z72-K193 1:2015.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
Glycative stress research : official journal.(Kyotanabe : Society for Glycation Stress Research, Glycation Stress Research Center, Doshisha University, [2014]-)Z63-D541 1(1-4):2014-NDL SEARCHRSS
GOR : Global outsourcing review.(東京 : メディカルパースペクティブス, 1999-2007.)Z74-B598 1 (1) (通号: 1) 1999.05~9 (1) (通号: 32) 2007.02NDL SEARCH
GP Japan : 全グラ情報.(東京 : 全国グラビア協同組合連合会, [2001]-)Z74-L53 (230):2020.1-NDL SEARCHRSS
GR : 同志社大学グローバル地域文化学会紀要 : Doshisha Global and Regional Studies review : the journal of the Doshisha Society for Global and Regional Studies / 同志社大学グローバル地域文化学会運営編集委員会 編.(京都 : 同志社大学グローバル地域文化学会, 2013-)Z72-G241 (1):2013.10-NDL SEARCHRSS
Grassland science / Japanese Society of Grassland Science.([Nasushiobara] : Japanese Society of Grassland Science ; 2005-[2020])Z78-A326 51 (1) 2005.03~NDL SEARCH
Green chemical = 月刊グリーンケミカル.(東京 : オフィスワイズグリーンケミカル出版事務局, 2009-)Z74-E128 (64) 2010.01~NDL SEARCHRSS
Health and behavior sciences : the Journal of the Japanese Society of Health and Behavior Sciences.(東京 : 日本健康行動科学会, 2002-)Z74-D382 1 (1) 2002.12~NDL SEARCHRSS
Health emergency and disaster nursing.(Kochi : Disaster Nursing Global Leader Degree Program, c2014-)Z76-A827 2(1):2015-NDL SEARCH
Health professional education = 医療人教育.(東京 : 帝京大学医療共通教育研究センター, 2015-)Z72-L847 2・3:2016・17-NDL SEARCHRSS
Hepatology : official journal of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.(Tokyo : Blackwell Publishing, 2006-[2018])Z74-F347 1 (1) 2006.12~NDL SEARCH
HERSETEC = テクスト布置の解釈学的研究と教育 : journal of hermeneutic study and education of textual configuration : global COE program : SITE2.(名古屋 : 名古屋大学大学院文学研究科, [2008]-[2013])Z71-V910 3 (2) 2009~NDL SEARCH
Heterocycles : an international journal for reviews and communications in heterocyclic chemistry.(Tokyo : Japan Institute of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 1973-2023)Z53-T62 51 (5) 1999.05~NDL SEARCH
HIU健康科学ジャーナル = HIU journal of health & science, Hiroshima International University : 研究紀要 / 広島国際大学健康科学部 編(東広島 : 広島国際大学健康科学部 = Hiroshima International University, 2022-)Z72-W79 (1):2021-NDL SEARCHRSS
HIV body and mind.(大阪 : メディカルレビュー社, 2012-2014.)Z74-H463 1(1)=1:2012.6-NDL SEARCH
Human communication studies = ヒューマン・コミュニケーション研究 : a journal of communication studies / 日本コミュニケーション学会 編.(長久手 : 日本コミュニケーション学会, 1986-2013.)Z71-Y988 (29) 2001~NDL SEARCH
Human linguistics review.(東京 : 「言語と人間」研究会, 2016-2019)Z72-M110 (1):2016.3-NDL SEARCH
ICCLP annual report.(Tokyo : International Center for Comparative Law and Politics, Graduate School of Law and Politics, the University of Tokyo, 2004-2007.)Z71-M255 2003 2003~2006 2006NDL SEARCH
ICCLP publications / International Center for Comparative Law and Politics, Graduate School of Law and Politics, the University of Tokyo.(Tokyo : International Center for Comparative Law and Politics, Graduate School of Law and Politics, the University of Tokyo, 1999-)Z61-E730 (12):2012-NDL SEARCHRSS
Ichthyological research : an official journal of the Ichthyological Society of Japan / Ichthyological Society of Japan [編].([Tokyo] : [Springer Japan], 1996-)Z54-J48 43 (1) 1996.02~NDL SEARCHRSS
ICIC express letters. Part B, Applications : an international journal of research and surveys.(Kumamoto : ICIC International, 2010-)Z78-A689 2 (2) 2011.04~NDL SEARCHRSS
ICU English studies = ICU英語研究 : the bulletin of the Society of ICU English studies.(Mitaka : The Society of ICU English Studies, 1992-2005.)Z12-979 (通号: 9) 2000.03~NDL SEARCH
ICU language research bulletin = 語学研究.([三鷹] : 国際基督教大学教養学部語学科, 1986-2008.)Z12-708 (通号: 7) 1992~NDL SEARCH
IEEJ journal of industry applications.(Tokyo : The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2012-)Z78-A743 1(1):2012-NDL SEARCHRSS
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences.(Tokyo : Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.)Z53-M297 E96-A(12)=504:2013.12-NDL SEARCH
iichiko : quarterly intercultural : a journal for transdisciplinary studies of pratiques.([東京] : 日本ベリエールアートセンター, 1986-)Z23-561 (通号: 40) 1996.07~NDL SEARCHRSS
IIEEJ transactions on image electronics and visual computing.(Tokyo : The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, c2013-)Z78-A837 11(2):2023.12-NDL SEARCHRSS
IIEEJ transactions on image electronics and visual computing(Tokyo : The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, c2013-)YH247-1364 1(1):2013-11(1):2023NDL SEARCH
Industrial health.(Kawasaki : National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, 1963-)Z51-F156 35 (1) 1997.01~NDL SEARCHRSS
Infection control : the Japanese journal of infection control : ICT・ASTのための医療関連感染対策の総合専門誌.(大阪 : メディカ出版, 1992-)Z19-3702 10 (1) (通号: 74) 2001.01~NDL SEARCHRSS
Inflammatory bowel diseases : highlights from the official journal of the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America, Inc.(Tokyo : Blackwell Publishing, 2010-)Z74-G821 1(1):2010.7-12(2):2021.6NDL SEARCH
INSS journal : Journal of the Institute of Nuclear Safety System / 原子力安全システム研究所「INSS journal」編集委員会 編.(美浜町 (福井県) : 原子力安全システム研究所, 1994-2022)Z16-B151 (通号: 3) 1996~NDL SEARCH
Internal medicine.(Tokyo : Japanese Society of Internal Medicine, 1992-2005.)Z53-M398 35 (10) 1996.10~44 (12) 2005.12NDL SEARCH
International journal of analytical bio-science / The Society of Analytical Bio-Science [編].(Machida : The Society of Analytical Bio-Science, 2013-)Z78-A776 1(2):2013.12-NDL SEARCHRSS
International journal of automation technology.(Tokyo : Fuji Technology Press, 2007-)Z78-A598 8(3)=41:2014.5-NDL SEARCHRSS
International journal of creativity in music education.(Tokyo : Institute of Creativity in Music Education, 2017-2018.)Z61-J793 5:2017-NDL SEARCH
International Journal of Curriculum Development and Practice.(Higashi-Hiroshima : Japan Curriculum Research and Development Association.)Z61-G528 14(1):2012.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
International journal of electrical machining.(Tokyo : Japan Society of Electrical-Machining Engineers, [1996]-)Z63-C461 (17):2012.1-NDL SEARCHRSS
International journal of GEOMATE : geotechnique, construction materials and environment.(Tsu : The GEOMATE International Society, 2011-2015.)Z78-A736 2(1・2)=3・4:2012.3-6-NDL SEARCH
International journal of Japan Academic Society of Hospitality Management.(Tokyo : Japan Academic Society of Hospitality Management, 2012-)Z76-A787 1(2):2013.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
International journal of Japan Association for Management Systems.(Tokyo : Japan Association for Management Systems, 2009-2013.)Z61-J489 1 (1) 2009.09~NDL SEARCH
International journal of Japan Society for Production Management.([Nagoya] : Japan Society for Production Management, 2013-)Z61-J834 1(1):2013.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
International journal of Japanese nursing care practice and study([京都] : International Journal of Japanese Nursing Care Practice and Study研究会, 2013-)YH267-165 1(1):2013-NDL SEARCHRSS
International journal of marketing & distribution.([神戸] : Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution, [2018]-)Z61-K38 1(1)・2(1):2017・18-NDL SEARCH
International journal of networking and computing.(Higashi Hiroshima : Dept. of Computer Engineering, Hiroshima University, [2011]-2017.)Z78-A690 1 (2) 2011.07~NDL SEARCH
International journal of Okinawan studies / 琉球大学国際沖縄研究所 編.(東京 : 研究社, 2010-2018.)Z72-C681 1(1)=[1]:2010.3-NDL SEARCH
International journal of Okinawan studies / 琉球大学国際沖縄研究所 編.(東京 : 研究社, 2010-2018.)Z72-E945 1(1)=[1]:2010.3-4(2)=8:2013.12NDL SEARCH
International journal of pragmatics.(八王子 : 日本プラグマティックス学会, 1991-c2012.)Z12-B132 (通号: 1) 1991.03~NDL SEARCH
International journal of research on mathematics and science education : MSE.([Naruto] : International Society for Mathematics and Science Education, [2014]-)Z61-J872 2:2014-NDL SEARCH
International journal of service and knowledge management.(Tokyo : International Institute of Applied Informatics, c2015-)Z78-B2 1(2):2017.12-NDL SEARCHRSS
International journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources.(Akita : Society of Materials Engineering for Resources of Japan, 1993-)Z63-C293 19(1・2):2013.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
International regional research review.(Machida : Graduate School of Project-specific Global and Regional Research Institutes, Hosei University, c2015-2017)Z72-M133 2:2017-NDL SEARCH
International review of asthma & COPD = インターナショナルレビューオブアズマ&COPD.(東京 : メディカルレビュー社, 2009-2013.)Z74-B542 11 (3) (通号: 44) 2009.08~NDL SEARCH
International Review of Business.(Nishinomiya : Society of Business Administration, Kwansei Gakuin University.)Z61-F693 (12):2012.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
International review of diabetes = インターナショナル・レビュー・オブ・ダイアベーテス.(大阪 : メディカルレビュー社, 2009-2012.)Z74-G486 1 (1) (通号: 1) 2009.07~NDL SEARCH
International review of thrombosis = インターナショナルレビューオブスロンボーシス.(大阪 : メディカルレビュー社, 2006-2015.)Z74-E943 1 (1) (通号: 1) 2006.04~NDL SEARCH
iSMART : international journal of innovation for sustainable maritime architecture research and technology([Kitakyushu] : [International Academic Alliance of Coastal Architecture], [2019]-)Z63-D629 2019-NDL SEARCHRSS
ISO network : JQAマネジメントシステム情報誌.(東京 : 日本品質保証機構マネジメントシステム部門, 2003-)Z71-V894 16 2008~NDL SEARCHRSS
IT industry report.(東京 : 電子情報技術産業協会IT本部, 2000-2001.)Z74-C116 2000 (11) 2000.11~2001 (3) 2001.03NDL SEARCH
IT medical : わかりやすい!病院IT化マガジン.(東京 : メディカルアイ, 2008-)Z74-F977 1 (1) 2008.07~NDL SEARCHRSS
ITを活用した教育研究シンポジウム講演論文集 = Proceedings of the Symposium on the Educational Application of Information Technology / ITを活用した教育研究シンポジウム 編.([厚木] : 神奈川工科大学, 2016-)Z71-S186 10:2015-NDL SEARCHRSS
ITを活用した教育シンポジウム講演論文集 = Proceedings of the Symposium on the Educational Application of Information Technology / 神奈川工科大学ITを活用した教育シンポジウム 編.([厚木] : 神奈川工科大学, 2006-2015.)Z71-S186 1 2006.12~NDL SEARCH
JACT : Japanese Association for Alternative, Complementary and Traditional Medicine.(東京 : 日本代替・相補・伝統医療連合会議事務局, [2005]-2008.)Z74-E636 1 2005~12 2008.03NDL SEARCH
JALT journal : the research journal of the Japan Association for Language Teaching.(Tokyo : Japan Association for Language Teaching, [1979]-)Z51-N170 30 (2) 2008.11~NDL SEARCHRSS
JALT日本語教育論集 = JALT journal of Japanese language education.([茂原] : 全国語学教育学会日本語研究部会, 1996-[2015])Z7-C44 (12):2013.8-NDL SEARCH
Japan labor issues / The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, International Research Exchange Section [編].(Tokyo : The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, c2017-)Z76-A943 1(1):2017.9-NDL SEARCHRSS
Japan organist / 日本オルガニスト協会 [編].(東京 : 日本オルガニスト協会, 1993-)Z11-2262 (39):2012-NDL SEARCHRSS
Japan P&I Club P&I ロス・プリベンション・ガイド = P & I loss prevention bulletin / 日本船主責任相互保険組合ロス・プリベンション推進部 編.(東京 : Japan P&I Club日本船主責任相互保険組合, [2002]-[2022])Z72-S534 (25):2013.7-NDL SEARCH
Japan research review.(東京 : 日本総合研究所, 1991-2005.)Z4-1205 6 (7) 1996.07~15 (6) (通号: 176) 2005.06NDL SEARCH
Japan review : journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies.(Kyoto : International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 1990-)Z52-E148 (13) 2001~NDL SEARCHRSS
Japan tourism management review = 観光マネジメント・レビュー(大阪 : 日本観光経営学会 = Tourism Business and Research Association of Japan, 2021-)Z72-V182 1:2021-NDL SEARCHRSS
Japanese journal of agricultural economics / The Agricultural Economics Society of Japan [編].(Tokyo : The Agricultural Economics Society of Japan, 2017-)Z63-D43 19:2017-NDL SEARCHRSS
Japanese journal of applied physics : JJAP.(Tokyo : The Japan Society of Applied Physics, 2008-)Z53-A375 47 (1) (Special Issue) 2008.01~NDL SEARCH
Japanese journal of applied physics.(Tokyo : Publication Office, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, 1962-1981.)Z53-A375 1 (1) 1962.07~3 (3) 1964.03NDL SEARCH
Japanese journal of applied physics. Part 2, Letters & express letters.(Tokyo : Japan Society of Applied Physics, 2003-2007.)Z54-J337 42 (7A) (通号: 392) 2003.07.01~46 (45-49) (通号: 460) 2007.12NDL SEARCH
Japanese journal of applied physics. Part. 1, Regular papers, brief communications & review papers : JJAP.(Tokyo : Published by the Japan Society of Applied Physics through the Institute of Pure and Applied Physics, 1982-2007.)Z53-A375 35 (5A) 1996.05~46 (12) 2007.12NDL SEARCH
Japanese journal of applied physics. Pt. 2, Letters.(Tokyo : Japan Society of Applied Physics, 1982-2003.)Z54-J337 35 (6A) 1996.06~42 (6B) (通号: 391) 2003.06.15NDL SEARCH
Japanese journal of botany.(Tokyo : Science Council of Japan, 1922-1975.)Z53-C75 17 (2) 1960.03~18 (2) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Japanese Journal of Dermatology. Ser. B.(Tokyo : Japanese Dermatological Association.)Z53-M392 78 (1) 1968.03~82 (4) 1972.12NDL SEARCH
Japanese journal of disaster medicine.(東京 : 日本集団災害医学会, 2015-)Z19-B833 19(別冊)=52:2015.3-NDL SEARCH
Japanese journal of endourology.(東京 : 日本泌尿器内視鏡学会, 2011-2019.)Z74-B421 24(1):2011.5-NDL SEARCH
Japanese journal of entomology.(東京 : 日本昆虫学会, 1989-1997.)Z18-897 64 (2) 1996.06~65 (4) 1997.12NDL SEARCH
Japanese journal of European studies.(Tokyo : Organization for European Studies, Waseda University, [2013]-[2017])Z62-B43 1:2013-NDL SEARCH
Japanese journal of geology and geography.(Tokyo : Science Council of Japan, 1922-1975.)Z53-B195 31 (1) 1960.03~34 (1) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Japanese Journal of Geophysics.(Tokyo : Science Council of Japan, 1954-1970.)Z53-B235 2 (3) 1960.03~3 (1) 1962.03NDL SEARCH
Japanese Journal of Herpetology.(Kyoto : Herpetological Society of Japan, 1999.)Z54-J527 18 (1) 1999.06~18 (2) 1999.12NDL SEARCH
Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases.(Tokyo : National Institute of Infectious Diseases, [1999]-)Z53-C450 52 (1) 1999.02~NDL SEARCHRSS
Japanese journal of mathematics.(Tokyo : Science Council of Japan, 1924-[1974])Z53-A167 (通号: 21) 1952.03~(通号: 21) 1952.03 ; (通号: 29) 1960.03~(通号: 33) 1964.03NDL SEARCH
Japanese journal of mathematics. 3rd series / The Mathematical Society of Japan.(Tokyo : Springer Japan, [2006]-)Z78-A445 1 (1) 2006~NDL SEARCHRSS
Japanese journal of mathematics. New series.(Tokyo : Published for the Mathematical Society of Japan by Kinokuniya Co., 1975-2005.)Z54-F36 22 (1) 1996.06~31 (2) 2005.12NDL SEARCH
Japanese Journal of Medical Science and Biology.(Tokyo : National Institute of Infectious Diseases.)Z53-C450 13 (1・2) 1960.06~17 (1) 1966.02 ; 19 (1) 1966.02~36 (4) 1983.08 ; 49 (4) 1996.08~51 (1) 1998.11NDL SEARCH
Japanese journal of medicine.(Tokyo : Japanese Society of Internal Medicine, [1962]-1991.)Z53-M398 5 (2) 1966.04~22 (3) 1983.08NDL SEARCH
Japanese Journal of Microbiology.(Tokyo : Igaku Shoin.)Z53-M387 10 (1) 1966.04~20 (6) 1976.12NDL SEARCH
Japanese journal of nematology.(札幌 : 日本線虫学会, 2004-2008.)Z18-1311 34 (1) 2004.06~38 (2) 2008.12NDL SEARCH
Japanese journal of ophthalmology : the official international journal of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society / Japanese Ophthalmological Society.([Tokyo] : Springer, 1957-)Z53-D450 12 (1) 1968.01~27 (3) 1983 ; 49 (1) 2005.01~NDL SEARCHRSS
The Japanese journal of physiology.([Tokyo] : Published for the Physiological Society of Japan by Center for Academic Publications Japan, 1950-2006.)Z53-D40 1 (1) 1950.06~3 (1) 1952.11 ; 16 (3) 1966.06~55 (6) 2005.12NDL SEARCH
Japanese journal of radiological counseling : an official journal of Japanese Society of Radiological Counseling = 放射線カウンセリング :日本放射線カウンセリング学会機関誌 / 日本放射線カウンセリング学会 編.(日向 : 日本放射線カウンセリング学会, 2006-)Z74-F103 3 (1) 2006~NDL SEARCHRSS
Japanese journal of sports sciences / 日本バイオメカニクス学会 編.(東京 : ソニー企業, 1982-1997.)Z7-1428 15 (4) 1996.08~16 (1) 1997.02NDL SEARCH
Japanese journal of stimulation therapy = 日本スティミュレーションセラピー学会誌 / 日本スティミュレーションセラピー学会 編(東京 : 日本スティミュレーションセラピー学会, 2020-)Z74-K994 1:2020-NDL SEARCHRSS
Japanese journal of systematic entomology = 日本昆虫分類学会会報.(Matsuyama : Japanese Society of Systematic Entomology, 1995-)Z63-C375 17(1):2011.5.31-NDL SEARCHRSS
Japanese journal of tuberculosis.(Tokyo : Institute for Infectious Diseases, University of Tokyo, [1953]-1967.)Z53-P73 9 (1・2) 1961.06~11 (1・2・3・4) 1963.12NDL SEARCH
Japanese journal of veterinary research.(Sapporo : Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University, 1954-2022)Z53-E6 8 (2) 1960.10~11 (3) 1963.09NDL SEARCH
Japanese journal of zoology.(Tokyo : Science Council of Japan, 1922-1974.)Z53-C150 12 (4) 1960.03~14 (1) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Japanese Medical Journal.(Tokyo : National Institute of Health.)Z53-C450 4 (2) 1951.04~4 (6) 1952.04NDL SEARCH
Japanese society and culture.(Tokyo : Institute of Social Sciences, Toyo University, c2019-)Z65-A969 (1):2019-NDL SEARCHRSS
The JASEC bulletin.(東京 : 日本英語コミュニケーション学会, 1992-)Z71-F52 9 (1) 2000.09~NDL SEARCHRSS
JASMA = 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌 : journal of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application.(東京 : 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会, 1989-[2012])Z15-621 13 (1) 1996.01~NDL SEARCH
JAU : journal of Asian urbanism / International Society of Habitat Engineering [編].(Fukuoka : The JAU Office, 2009-)Z71-Y547 ([0]) 2009.03~NDL SEARCH
JAU : journal of Asian urbanism / International Society of Habitat Engineering and Design [編].(Fukuoka : The JAU Office, 2009-)Z76-A916 (6):2012.3-NDL SEARCH
JBBY : Japanese Board on Books for Young People.(東京 : 日本国際児童図書評議会, 1975-2009.)Z21-1086 (通号: 79) 1996.05~NDL SEARCH
JeLA会誌 = Journal of Japan e-Learning Association.([東京] : 日本e-Learning学会, 2003-2014.)Z71-G751 5 2003.12~NDL SEARCH
JELS : 日本英語学会大会・国際春季フォーラム研究発表論文集 : papers from the Conference and from the International Spring Forum of the English Linguistic Society of Japan / 日本英語学会大会運営委員会 編.(東京 : 日本英語学会, 2014-2019)YH247-1406 31:2014-NDL SEARCH
JICA magazine = ジャイカマガジン : the gateway to understanding global challenges / 国際協力機構 編(東京 : 国際協力機構 = Japan International Cooperation Agency, 2021-)Z72-V195 (1):2021.6-NDL SEARCHRSS
JICA横浜海外移住資料館研究紀要 = Journal of the Japanese Overseas Migration Museum, JICA Yokohama.(横浜 : 国際協力機構横浜国際センター海外移住資料館, 2008-)Z71-S281 4 2009~NDL SEARCHRSS
Jiji top confidential.(東京 : 時事通信社, 2002-2009.)Z1-152 (10932) 2002.01.11~NDL SEARCH
Jikeikai medical journal / Jikeikai Medical Journal編集委員会.(Tokyo : The Jikei University School of Medicine, 1954-)Z53-C467 5 (2) 1958.09~9 (4) 1962.12NDL SEARCH
JNET : journal of neuroendovascular therapy : official journal of the Japanese Society for Neuroendovascular Therapy.(Tokyo : The Japanese Society for Neuroendovascular Therapy, 2007-)Z78-A939 10(1):2016.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
JNET : journal of neuroendovascular therapy : 脳神経血管内治療 : official journal of the Japanese Society for Neuroendovascular Therapy / 日本脳神経血管内治療学会 編.(東京 : 日本脳神経血管内治療学会, 2007-)Z74-F710 3 (4) 2009.11~NDL SEARCH
JNI : the journal of nursing investigation.(徳島 : 徳島大学医学部, 2003-2018.)Z74-D735 1 (1) 2003.03~NDL SEARCH
JOAジャーナル : Journal of the Japan Optometric Association(名古屋 : 日本オプトメトリック協会, 1983-)Z19-B687 34(2)=68:2016-NDL SEARCHRSS
JOGMEC oil & gas technical activity report The Oil & Gas Upstream Technology Unit, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation [編].(Chiba : The Oil & Gas Upstream Technology Unit, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation, 2016-2018.)YH267-304 2015.4-2016.3-NDL SEARCH
Journal of applied glycoscience.(Tokyo : Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience, 2011-)Z78-A693 58 (1) 2011~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of Asian humanities at Kyushu University.([Fukuoka] : Kyushu University School of Letters, Graduate School of Humanities, Faculty of Humanities, c2016-)Z65-A964 1:2016.Spr.-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of Asian urban environment.(Tokyo : Asian Institute of Urban Environment, c2015-)Z63-D550 2015-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of Asian urban studies / 九州大学アジア都市リサーチコア 編.(福岡 : 九州大学アジア都市リサーチコア, 2007-)Z71-D995 9 (1) 2008.03~NDL SEARCH
Journal of Baltic and Scandinavian studies / 汎バルト海・スカンジナビア国際学会 [編].(札幌 : 汎バルト海・スカンジナビア国際学会, 1991-)Z8-B437 8・9 1999~14 2004NDL SEARCH
Journal of behavioral and social sciences.(Hiratsuka : Research Institute of Social Sciences, Tokai University, [19--]-1998.)Z51-R555 1994 (1) 1994.03~1998 (1) 1999.03NDL SEARCH
Journal of bio-integration.(東京 : バイオインテグレーション学会, 2011-)Z74-H165 1(1):2011-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of biology, Osaka City University.(Osaka : Faculty of Science, Osaka City University, 1961-1966.)Z53-B352 (通号: 12) 1961.12~(通号: 13) 1962.12NDL SEARCH
Journal of biorheology / Japanese Society of Biorheology [編].(Tokyo : Springer Japan, [2009]-[2013])Z78-A635 23 (1) 2009~NDL SEARCH
Journal of bioscience and bioengineering.(Suita : Society for Biotechnology, 1999-)Z53-S65 87 (1) 1999.01~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of cancer and virology.(Tokyo : Electro-Chemical & Cancer Institute ; 1956-1959.)Z53-D387 2 (1・2) 1959.06~2 (3) 1961.10NDL SEARCH
Journal of chemical engineering of Japan.(Tokyo : Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan, 1968-[2022])Z53-R395 29 (6) 1996.12~NDL SEARCH
Journal of Clinical Academy of Oral Implantology = 大阪口腔インプラント研究会誌(東大阪 : 大阪口腔インプラント研究会, 2024-)Z74-J134 38:2024-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of clinical rehabilitation.(東京 : 医歯薬出版, 1992-)Z19-3579 31(1)=364:2022.1-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of Community Cooperative Research Center = 地域総合科学研究センター報告 / 専修大学北海道短期大学 編.(美唄 : 専修大学北海道短期大学, 2006-2011.)Z74-F599 (1) 2006~NDL SEARCH
Journal of Earth Sciences, Nagoya University.(Nagoya : Dept. of Earth Sciences, Nagoya University, 1953-1991.)Z53-B196 8 (2) 1960.12~10 (2) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Journal of economics and management / 名古屋商科大学論集編集委員会 編.(日進 : 名古屋商科大学商学会, 1994-1998.)Z3-303 39(1):1994.7-42(2):1998.3NDL SEARCH
Journal of ecotechnology research : official journal of International Association of Ecotechnology Research.(富山 : エコテクノロジー研究会, 2002-)Z15-B70 8(1)=16:2002.7-NDL SEARCH
Journal of Ehime Management Society / 愛媛マネジメント学会編集委員会 編.([松山] : 愛媛マネジメント学会, 2018-)Z72-P676 1:2018-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of electron microscopy.(Oxford : Published for the Japanese Society of Electron Microscopy by Oxford University Press.)Z53-T76 23 (2) 1974.07~51 (6) 2002NDL SEARCH
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity.(Tokyo : Terra Scientific Pub. Co.)Z53-A457 11 (4) 1960.06~15 (3) 1964.02 ; 48 (4) 1996~49 (11・12) 1997NDL SEARCH
Journal of geosciences, Osaka City University.(Osaka : Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University, 1962-2012.)Z53-B201 (通号: 6) 1962.02~(通号: 7) 1963.01NDL SEARCH
Journal of global and regional studies.(Machida : Graduate School of Project-specific Global and Regional Research Institutes, Hosei University, 2016-2017)Z62-B55 2:2017-NDL SEARCH
Journal of global media studies / 駒澤大学グローバル・メディア・スタディーズ学部 編.(東京 : 駒澤大学グローバル・メディア・スタディーズ学部, 2007-)Z71-V869 1 2007.03~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of global tourism research.(Osaka : International Society for Tourism Research ; c2015-)Z76-A917 1(2):2016.12-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of hard tissue biology.([Tokyo] : The Hard Tissue Biology Network Association, 1995-)Z19-B312 7 (1) 1998.06~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of health counseling(市川 : ヘルスカウンセリング学会, 2017-)YH247-1704 23:2017-NDL SEARCH
Journal of health counseling = ヘルスカウンセリング学会年報.(市川 : ヘルスカウンセリング学会, 1995-2016.)Z74-E625 7:2001-NDL SEARCH
Journal of health psychology research / 日本健康心理学会機関誌編集委員会 編.(東京 : 日本健康心理学会, 2017-)Z19-3004 29(1・2):2017.2-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of health science.(Tokyo : Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, 2000-2011.)Z54-J464 46 (1) 2000.02~NDL SEARCH
Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences : official journal of the Japanese Society of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery, the Asian-Pacific Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, the Japan Biliary Association / [The Japanese Society of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery, The Asian-Pacific Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, The Japan Biliary Association] [編].(Tokyo : Springer Japan, [2010]-)Z78-A722 19(2):2012-NDL SEARCH
Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences : official journal of the Japanese Society of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery, the Asian-Pacific Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, the Japan Biliary Association.(Richmond : Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.)Z78-A722 22(2):2015-22(3):2015NDL SEARCH
Journal of high performance sport / 日本スポーツ振興センター国立スポーツ科学センター 編.(東京 : 日本スポーツ振興センター国立スポーツ科学センター, 2019-)Z72-N45 4:2019-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of human genetics / Japan Society of Human Genetics.(Tokyo : Springer Nature, 1998-)Z54-H248 43 (4) 1998.07~NDL SEARCH
Journal of hydrocephalus / World Brain-science Institute [編].(Tokyo : World Brain-science Institute, c2009-)Z74-G597 1 (1) 2009~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of I-LISS Japan.(大阪 : 国際図書館情報学会日本支部, 2018-)Z72-R253 1(1)=1:2018.11-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of Indological studies = インド学研究.(Kyoto : Association for the Study of the History of Indian Thought, 2005-)Z62-B56 (26・27):2014・2015-NDL SEARCH
Journal of information and communication engineering.([Nago] : Applied Science and Computer Science Publications, [2015]-)Z78-A902 2(2):2016.2-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of insect biotechnology and sericology.(Tsukuba : Japanese Society of Sericultural Science, 2001-2023)Z54-J696 70 (1) 2001.02~NDL SEARCH
Journal of inter-regional studies : regional and global perspectives.(Tokyo : Organization for Regional and Inter-regional Studies, Waseda University, [2018]-[2020])Z62-B73 1:2018-NDL SEARCH
Journal of international exercise science(Uenohara : International Society of Exercise Science, 2022-)Z63-D634 1(1):2022-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of international nursing research : JINR(Tokyo : Japan Society of Nursing Research, 2022-)Z63-D641 2(2):2023.8-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of International Society of Life Information Science / 国際生命情報科学会 編.(千葉 : 国際生命情報科学会, 1996-)Z19-B795 34(2):2016.9-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of international studies = 国際学研究 / 国際学部機関誌編集委員会 編.(西宮 : 関西学院大学国際学部研究会, 2012-)Z72-E304 3(1):2014.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of international studies.(Higashi-Osaka City : Faculty of International Studies, Kindai University, 2016-)Z72-N98 (3):2018-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of internet of medical things : IoMT学会誌 / IoMT学会編集委員会 編.(東京 : IoMT学会 ; 2018-)Z74-K541 1(1):=1:2018.5-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of intimate and public spheres : Asian and Global Forum / Kyoto University Global COE Program 'Reconstruction of Intimate and Public Spheres in 21st Century Asia'.([京都] : Kyoto University Press, 2010-[2013])Z76-A705 1(1):2011.12-NDL SEARCH
Journal of IOND University Japan / イオンド大学紀要編集委員会 編.(東京 : イオンド大学出版局, 2002-2012.)Z71-K411 (1) 2002.03~NDL SEARCH
Journal of Irish Studies.(Hikone : The Japan Branch of the International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures, 2001-)Z62-A562 26:2011-NDL SEARCHRSS
The journal of JAHMC / 日本医業経営コンサルタント協会 編.(東京 : 日本医業経営コンサルタント協会, 2007-)Z71-R321 18 (4) (通号: 206) 2007.04~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of Japan new meridian medicine.([広島] : [日本新経絡医学会], [2012]-)Z74-J137 4:2015-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of Japan Society of Neurological Emergencies & Critical Care = 日本神経救急学会雑誌 / へるす出版 編.(東京 : へるす出版, 2017-)Z19-B552 29(2):2017.6-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of Japanese Society of Aromatherapy / 日本アロマセラピー学会学会誌編集委員会 編.(熊谷 : 日本アロマセラピー学会, 2003-)Z74-D175 2 (1) 2003~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of Japanese Society of Clinical Chiropractic = 日本カイロプラクティック徒手医学会誌.(東京 : 日本カイロプラクティック徒手医学会, 2000-)Z74-C72 15:2014-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of library and information science / 愛知淑徳大学図書館情報学会, 愛知淑徳大学 編.(長久手 : 愛知淑徳大学図書館情報学会 ; 1987-2013.)Z21-1870 (通号: 12) 1998~NDL SEARCH
Journal of mammalian ova research : official journal of the Japan Society for Ova Research.(Tokyo : Japan Society for Ova Research, 1997-)Z78-A979 33(1):2016.4-NDL SEARCH
Journal of mammalian ova research = 日本卵子学会誌.(東京 : 日本卵子学会, 1997-)Z18-1673 14 (1) 1997.04~NDL SEARCH
Journal of mammalian ova research.(東京 : 日本卵子学会, 1997-)Z74-K796 36(1):2019.4-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of management and training for industries.([北九州] : The Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, 2014-)Z72-J65 1(1):2014.10-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of maritime researches.(Kobe : The International Maritime Research Centre, Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University, 2011-[2017])Z63-D474 1(1):2011.3-NDL SEARCH
Journal of mathematics of Kyoto University.(Kyoto : Kyoto University, 1961-2009.)Z53-A228 1 (1) 1961.09~2 (3) 1963.08NDL SEARCH
Journal of Mathematics, Osaka City University.(Osaka : Dept. of Mathematics, Osaka City Univ., 1961-1963.)Z53-A238 12 (1・2) 1961.12~14 (1) 1963.08NDL SEARCH
Journal of Mechanical Laboratory of Japan.(Tokyo : Mechanical Laboratory of Japan, 1955-1970.)Z53-C317 7 (1) 1961~8 (2) 1962NDL SEARCH
Journal of medical English education = 日本医学英語教育学会会誌 : official journal of Japan Society for Medical English Education / 日本医学英語教育学会 企画.(東京 : メディカルレビュー社, 2006-)Z71-W255 8 (2) 2009.07~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of MMIJ = 資源・素材学会誌 : journal of the Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan.(東京 : 資源・素材学会, 2007-)Z17-315 123 (1) (通号: 1427) 2007.01~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of musculoskeletal pain research = 日本運動器疼痛学会誌 / 日本運動器疼痛学会 編.(長久手町 (愛知県) : 日本運動器疼痛学会, 2011-)Z74-G541 3(1):2011-12(4):2020NDL SEARCH
Journal of Nara Medical Association.(橿原 : 奈良医学会, 1998-)Z19-190 66(3-6):2015.12-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of natural medicines / The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy.(Tokyo : Springer Japan Production Department, 2006-)Z78-A390 60 (1) 2006~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of network polymer, Japan = ネットワークポリマー論文集.(東京 : 合成樹脂工業協会, 2018-)Z17-845 39(1):2018-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of new market creation = 市場創造研究 : 研究論文集 / 日本市場創造研究会 編.(鎌倉 : 日本市場創造研究会, 2012-2023)Z72-E316 1:2012.3-NDL SEARCH
Journal of Nihon University School of Dentistry.(Tokyo : Nihon University School of Dentistry, 1958-1997.)Z53-D434 3 (1) 1960.09~6 (4) 1964.12NDL SEARCH
Journal of novel carbon resource sciences : JNCRS.(Kasuga : Kyushu University G-COE program ""novel carbon resource sciences"" secretariat, [2010]-[2013])Z74-G685 1 2010.03~NDL SEARCH
Journal of nuclear science and technology / Atomic Energy Society of Japan.(Abingdon : Taylor & Francis.)Z78-A749 49(3・4):2012.3・4-49(7・8):2012.7・8NDL SEARCH
Journal of nuclear science and technology = 日本原子力学会英文論文誌.(Tokyo : Atomic Energy Society of Japan, 1964-)Z53-A460 33 (6) 1996.06~NDL SEARCH
Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology / Japan Society of Nutrition & Food Science and the Vitamin Society of Japan.(Tokyo : Center for Academic Publications Japan, 1973-)Z53-B484 19 (1) 1973.02~29 (4) 1983.08 ; 42 (3) 1996.06~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of occupational health / Japan Society for Occupational Health.([Tokyo] : Wiley, 1996-)Z54-J76 38 (1) 1996.01~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of oceanography.(Tokyo : Oceanographic Society of Japan, 1992-)Z54-H266 48 (1) 1992.04~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of Oleo Science.(Tokyo : Japan Oil Chemists' Society, 2001-[202-])Z54-J571 50 (1) (通号: 547) 2001~NDL SEARCH
Journal of oral health and biosciences.(徳島 : 四国歯学会, 2015-2017.)Z19-2220 27(2):2015.2-NDL SEARCH
Journal of Osaka University Dental School.(Osaka : Osaka University Faculty of Dentistry, 1961-1995.)Z53-D440 (通号: 1) 1961.07~(通号: 3) 1963.07NDL SEARCH
The Journal of Pacific Asia / アジア太平洋研究会 編.(東京 : アジア太平洋研究会, 1993-2000.)Z3-B91 (通号: 3) 1996~6 2000NDL SEARCH
Journal of pediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery.(Tokyo : The Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, [2017]-)Z63-D590 1(1):2017-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of poultry science.(Tsukuba : Japan Poultry Science Association, 2001-2023)Z54-J694 38 (1) 2001.01~NDL SEARCH
Journal of radiation research : an official journal of the Japan Radiation Research Society and Japanese Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology.(Tokyo : JRR Editorial Committee, 1960-)Z53-P232 37 (4) 1996.12~NDL SEARCH
Journal of rainwater catchment systems / 雨水資源化システム学会事務局 編.([松江] : 雨水資源化システム学会事務局, 1998-)Z74-B360 3 (2) 1998~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of regional emergency and disaster medicine research.(横浜 : 地域救急災害医療研究開発機構, 2013-)Z74-D332 12:2013-NDL SEARCH
Journal of rehabilitation neurosciences.(Chiba : Japanese Society for Brain Function and Rehabilitation, [2019]-)Z74-D891 19:2019-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of robotics and mechatronics.(Tokyo : Fuji Technology Press, 1989-)Z54-G550 26(2)=150:2014.4-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of science and philosophy / Association for Science and Philosophy Journal of science and philosophy編集委員会 編.(相模原 : やまなみ書房, 2018-2020.)Z72-R190 1(1):2018.9-NDL SEARCH
Journal of science of the Hiroshima University. Ser. A, Mathematics, physics, chemistry.(Hiroshima, Japan : Hiroshima University, 1930-1960.)Z53-A225 14 (2) 1950.03~16 (1) 1952.07 ; 24 (1) 1960.07~24 (3) 1960.12NDL SEARCH
Journal of science of the Hiroshima University. Ser. A-1, Mathematics.(Hiroshima, Japan : Hiroshima University, 1962-1970.)Z53-A225 25 (2) 1961.12~27 (1) 1963.06NDL SEARCH
Journal of science of the Hiroshima University. Ser. A-2, Physics and chemistry.(Hiroshima, Japan : Hiroshima University, 1961-1970.)Z53-A502 25 (1) 1961.07~27 (1) 1963.06NDL SEARCH
Journal of science of the Hiroshima University. Ser. B-1, Zoology.(Hiroshima : Hiroshima University, 1930-1990.)Z53-C168 11 (4~9) 1950.03-13(1/20):1952.4 ; 18(11/18):1960.7-20 (6~8) 1962.12NDL SEARCH
Journal of Science of the Hiroshima University. Ser. B-2, Botany.(Hiroshima : Hiroshima University, 1930-)Z53-C73 9 (2) 1961.12~9 (3) 1962.12NDL SEARCH
Journal of Science of the Hiroshima University. Ser. C, Geology and mineralogy.(Hiroshima : Hiroshima University, [1951]-1993.)Z53-B193 3 (1) 1960.03~4 (2) 1962.11NDL SEARCH
Journal of spine research : official journal of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research / Journal of spine research編集委員会 編.(東京 : 日本脊椎脊髄病学会, 2010-)Z74-G625 1(1):2010.1-10(12):2019.12,11(3):2020.3NDL SEARCH
Journal of St. Marianna University.(Kawasaki : St. Marianna University Society of Medical Science, 2010-[2015])Z63-D517 1 (1) 2010.06~NDL SEARCH
Journal of strategic accounting.([桶川] : Global Academic Community, [2017]-)Z76-A947 1(1):2017.6-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of textile engineering.(大阪 : 日本繊維機械学会, c1999-2023)Z74-K496 64(1):2018.1・2-NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan. E.(Tokyo : Acoustical Society of Japan, 1980-2000.)Z53-X48 18 (1) 1997.01~21 (6) 2000.11NDL SEARCH
The Journal of the American Medical Association. 日本版.(東京 : 医歯薬出版, 1948-)Z490.5-J1 2 (5) 1950.02~24 (6) 1956.12NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan = 日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌.(Tokyo : Ceramic Society of Japan, 2007-2013.)Z78-A504 115 (1344) 2007.08~NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Electrochemical Society of Japan.(Tokyo : Electrochemical Society of Japan, [1958]-1969.)Z53-H370 30 (2) 1962~31 (3) 1963NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University.(Sapporo : Hokkaido University, 1952-1999.)Z53-G289 47 (3) 1950.12~48 (4) 1952.07 ; 51 (2) 1960.09~53 (2) 1963.09NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University / Faculty of Agriculture Publications, National University Corporation, Kyushu University 編.(Fukuoka : Faculty of Agriculture Publications, National University Corporation, Kyushu University, [1948]-2018.)Z53-G291 9 (3) 1950.01~10 (1) 1951.10 ; 11 (3) 1961.11~12 (4) 1963.08NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University.(Tottori : Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University, [1951]-1999.)Z53-G278 4 (1) 1961.06~4 (2) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo. Ser. B.(Tokyo : Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo, 1953-1995.)Z53-E218 26 (2) 1960.12~26 (4) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Human Sciences, Kobe Shoin Women’s University = 神戸松蔭女子学院大学研究紀要. 人間科学部篇 : JOHS / 神戸松蔭女子学院大学学術研究会 編.(神戸 : 神戸松蔭女子学院大学学術研究会, 2012-2019.)Z72-E336 (1):2012.3-NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Letters, Kobe Shoin Women’s University = 神戸松蔭女子学院大学研究紀要. 文学部篇 : JOL / 神戸松蔭女子学院大学学術研究会 編.(神戸 : 神戸松蔭女子学院大学学術研究会, 2012-2019.)Z72-E335 (1):2012.3-NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Shinshu University. Pt. 2, Natural Science.(Matsumoto : Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Shinshu University, [19--]-1965.)Z55-A269 (通号: 11) 1961.12~(通号: 12) 1962.12NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Ser. 1, Mathematics.(Sapporo : Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, 1930-1972.)Z53-A207 17 (1・2) 1963.03~17 (3・4) 1964.01NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Ser. 2, Physics.(Sapporo : Hokkaido University, 1930-1963.)Z53-M404 4 (2) 1952.03~4 (2) 1952.03 ; 6 (1) 1963.06~6 (1) 1963.06NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Ser. 5, Botany.(Sapporo : Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, 1930-1991.)Z53-M405 7 (4) 1963.03~8 (2・3) 1963.02NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Ser. 6, Zoology.(Sapporo : Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, 1930-1990.)Z53-C169 14 (3) 1961.03~15 (1) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Ser. 7, Geophysics.(Sapporo : Hokkaido University, 1957-2004.)Z53-B312 1 (4) 1961.03~1 (6) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 4, Geology and mineralogy.(Sapporo : Hokkaido University, 1930-1994.)Z53-B182 10 (3) 1960.03~12 (1) 1963.08NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Science, Niigata University. Ser. 1, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.(Niigata : Faculty of Science, Niigata University, [1953]-1963.)Z53-M403 3 (1) 1960.08~3 (3) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Science, Niigata University. Ser. 2, Biology, Geology and Mineralogy.(Niigata : Faculty of Science, Niigata University, [1952]-1963.)Z53-M402 4 (1) 1960.10~4 (3) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo. Section 1, Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry.(Tokyo : University of Tokyo, 1949-1970.)Z53-A272 6 (3) 1951.03~6 (3) 1951.03NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo. Section 2, Geology, Mineralogy, Geography, Seismology.(Tokyo : Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo.)Z53-B219 7 (6~10) 1951.03~7 (6~10) 1951.03NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo. Section 3, Botany.(Tokyo : Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, 1925-)Z53-C88 8 (1~3) 1961.03~8 (4~7) 1962.02NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo. Section 5, Anthropology.(Tokyo : Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, 1925-1989.)Z53-B370 3 (1) 1966.03~3 (1) 1966.03NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Textile and Sericulture, Shinshu University. Ser. A, Biology.(Ueda : Faculty of Textile and Sericulture, Shinshu University, [1951]-1964.)Z53-M444 (通号: 9) 1960.12~(通号: 11) 1962.12NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University. Ser. B, Engineering.(Ueda : Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University, [1952]-1991.)Z53-M424 (通号: 4) 1960.12~(通号: 5) 1962.12NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University. Ser. C, Chemistry.(Ueda : Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University, [1951]-1987.)Z53-M425 (通号: 7) 1961~(通号: 8) 1962.12NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University. Ser. D, Arts.(Ueda : Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University.)Z55-B101 (通号: 4) 1961~(通号: 4) 1961NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University. Ser. E, Agriculture and sericulture.(Ueda : Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University, [1955]-1992.)Z53-M426 (通号: 5) 1961~(通号: 6) 1962.12NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University. Ser. F, Physics and Mathematics.(Ueda : Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University, 1962-1992.)Z53-M410 (通号: 1) 1962~(通号: 1) 1962NDL SEARCH
Journal of the human-environment system.([Tokyo] : Japanese Society of Human Environment System, 1997-)Z61-G515 14(2):2012-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers.([北九州] : The Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, 2013-)Z78-A852 1(1):2013.7-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of the Institute of Polytechnics, Osaka City University. Ser. A, Mathematics.(Osaka : Institute of Polytechnics, Osaka City University, 1950-1960.)Z53-A238 11 (1) 1960.07~11 (2) 1960.11NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Institute of Polytechnics, Osaka City University. Ser. C, Chemistry.(Osaka : Institute of Polytechnics, Osaka City Univ.)Z53-M522 1 (1) 1950.02~2 (1) 1951.08NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Institute of Polytechnics, Osaka City University. Ser. D, Biology.(Osaka : Institute of Polytechnics, Osaka City Univ., 1950-1960.)Z53-B352 (通号: 11) 1960.12~(通号: 11) 1960.12NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Institute of Polytechnics, Osaka City University. Ser. G, Geoscience.(Osaka : Osaka City University, 1954-1961.)Z53-B201 5 (1) 1961.03~5 (1) 1961.03NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy = 日本エネルギー学会誌.(東京 : 日本エネルギー学会, 1992-2016.)Z17-119 71 (1) 1992.01~NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute.(東京 : 石油学会 ; 2002-)Z17-177 45 (1) 2002.01~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of the Japan Statistical Society.(Tokyo : Japan Statistical Society, 2004-c2017.)Z76-A259 34 (1) 2004.06~NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Japanese clinical avian medicine = 鳥類臨床.(藤沢 : 鳥類臨床研究会編集局, [2018]-)Z74-K754 (22):2019.5-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of the Japanese Obstetrical & Gynecological Society.(Tokyo : Japanese Obstetrical & Gynecological Society, 1954-1968.)Z53-D471 6 (4) 1959.10~10 (4) 1963.10 ; 13 (1) 1966.01~15 (4) 1968.10NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science.([Kyoto] : Japanese Society for Horticultural Science, 2007-2014.)Z78-A456 76 (1) 2007.01~NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Japanese Society of Computational Statistics.(Tokyo : Japanese Society of Computational Statistics, 1988-[2020])Z61-D191 24(1):2011.12-NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan(東京 : 日本磁気学会, 2016-)YH247-1531 40(1):2016-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan.(東京 : 日本磁気学会, 2008-2015.)Z15-398 32 (1) (通号: 229) 2008~NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan.(Tokyo : Mammalogical Society of Japan, 1987-1995.)Z54-G149 12 (1・2) 1987.09~20 (2) 1995.12NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan = 質量分析.(東京 : 日本質量分析学会, 1998-)Z17-213 46 (1) 1998.02~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan.(Tokyo : Mathematical Society of Japan, 1948-)Z53-A209 1 (4) 1950.06~4 (2) 1952.10 ; 18 (1) 1966.01~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan.(Tokyo : Meteorological Society of Japan, 2001-)Z54-J645 78 2001.02~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of the Mining College, Akita University. Ser. A, Mining Geology.(Akita : Institute of Mining Geology, Mining College, Akita University, 1961-)Z53-P243 1 (1) 1961.09~3 (3) 1963.10NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan.(Tokyo : Operations Research Society of Japan, 1957-)Z53-M226 39 (4) 1996.12~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan.(Tokyo : Physical Society of Japan, 1946-)Z53-A404 5 (4) 1950.07~7 (6) 1952.12 ; 15 (8) 1960.08~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of the Radio Research Laboratory.(Tokyo : Radio Research Laboratory, 1954-1988.)Z53-F87 8 (37) 1961.05~10 (53) 1964.03NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Research Institute for Catalysis, Hokkaido University.(Sapporo, Japan : Research Institute for Catalysis, Hokkaido University, [1948]-1985.)Z53-B92 2(1):1951.10-11(3) 1964.03NDL SEARCH
Journal of the School of Liberal Arts.(Toyoake : 桜花学園大学学芸学部, [2009]-[2018])Z72-B788 1:2009-NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Shinshu University.([Matsumoto] : Shinshu University, [1951]-)Z53-A537 (通号: 2) 1952.07~(通号: 2) 1952.07NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan : セッコウ・石灰・セメント・地球環境の科学 / 無機マテリアル学会 編.(東京 : 無機マテリアル学会, 2000-)Z17-B79 7 (通号: 284) 2000.01~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan.(Osaka : Textile Machinery Society of Japan, [1955]-1999.)Z53-J493 6 (1) 1960.06~10 (1) 1964.03NDL SEARCH
Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan = 真空.(東京 : 日本真空協会, 2008-2017.)Z16-474 51 (1) 2008.01~NDL SEARCH
Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis = 血友病コレクション : focusing on haemophilia content collection from journal of thrombosis and haemostasis.(Tokyo : Wiley Publishing Japan, 2017-)Z74-K356 1(1):2017-NDL SEARCH
Journal of Tokushima National Hospital.(Yoshinogawa : Tokushima National Hospital, National Hospital Organization, 2010-)Z63-D438 1:2010.3-NDL SEARCH
Journal of Tokyo University of Fisheries / 東京水産大学研究報告編集委員会 編.(東京 : 東京水産大学, 1951-2003.)Z18-1038 38 (1) 1951.07~38 (3) 1952.03 ; 46 (1・2) 1960.03~48 (1) 1962.03 ; 65 (1) 1978.12~90 2003.09NDL SEARCH
Journal of Tokyo Veterinary and Animal Science = 東京獣医畜産学雑誌(藤沢 : 東京獣医畜産学会, 1987-1992.)Z18-557 35 (1・2) 1987.10~38 (2) 1992.10NDL SEARCH
Journal of toxicologic pathology.(Tokyo : Japanese Society of Toxicologic Pathology, 1988-)Z19-2431 19 (4) 2006~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of traditional medicines = 和漢医薬学雑誌.(富山 : 和漢医薬学会, 2004-2014.)Z19-1563 22 (1) 2005~NDL SEARCH
Journal of training science for exercise and sport = トレーニング科学 / トレーニング科学研究会 編.(八王子 : トレーニング科学研究会, 2004-)Z7-2586 16 (1) 2004~NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of training science / トレーニング科学研究会 編.(八王子 : トレーニング科学研究会, [1992]-2004.)Z7-2586 9 (3) 1998.03~15 (3) 2004NDL SEARCH
Journal of transformation of human behavior under the influence of infosocionomics society / Institute of Policy and Cultural Studies of Chuo University, The Infosocionomics Society [編].([八王子] : Journal Committee, c2016-)Z63-D554 1:2016.2-NDL SEARCHRSS
Journal of vitaminology.(Kyoto : The Vitamin Society of Japan, 1954-1972.)Z53-B484 6 (3) 1960.09~9 (3) 1963.09 ; 12 (2) 1966.06~18 (4) 1972.12NDL SEARCH
Journal of wellness and health care.(金沢 : ウェルネス・ヘルスケア学会, 2017-2018.)Z19-950 41(1)=55:2017-NDL SEARCH
Journal of wood science : official journal of the Japan Wood Research Society / Japan Wood Research Society.(Tokyo : 日本木材学会, 1998-2018.)Z54-J289 44 (6) 1998~NDL SEARCH
JRIレビュー = Japan Research Institute review.(東京 : 日本総合研究所, 2012-)Z72-F203 1(1):2012-NDL SEARCHRSS
JSEE Annual Conference International Session proceedings : international cooperation in engineering education.(Tokyo : Japanese Society for Engineering Education, [2006]-)Z61-J930 2011-NDL SEARCHRSS
JSM mycotoxins : journal of the Japanese Society of Mycotoxicology = マイコトキシン : マイコトキシン学会報.(東京 : 日本マイコトキシン学会, [2013]-)Z19-1179 63(1):2013.1-NDL SEARCHRSS
JSME International Journal. Ser. A, Mechanics and Material Engineering.(Tokyo : Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.)Z53-E315 40 (1) 1997.01~40 (2) 1997.04NDL SEARCH
JSME international journal. Ser. A, Solid mechanics and material engineering.(Tokyo : Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1997-2006.)Z53-E315 40 (3) 1997.07~49 (4) 2006.10NDL SEARCH
JSME international journal. Ser. B, Fluids and thermal engineering.(Tokyo : Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1993-2006.)Z53-Y271 39 (4) 1996.11~49 (4) 2006.11NDL SEARCH
JSME International Journal. Ser. C, Dynamics, Control, Robotics, Design and Manufacturing.(Tokyo : Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.)Z53-Y272 39 (4) 1996.12~40 (1) 1997.03NDL SEARCH
JSME international journal. Ser. C, Mechanical systems, machine elements and manufacturing.(Tokyo : Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1997-2006.)Z53-Y272 40 (2) 1997.06~49 (4) 2006.12NDL SEARCH
Kanrin : bulletin of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers = 咸臨 : 日本船舶海洋工学会誌.(東京 : 日本船舶海洋工学会, 2005-)Z74-E725 (1) 2005.07~NDL SEARCHRSS
Kansai University review of business and commerce(Suita : Faculty of Business and Commerce, Kansai University)Z61-G484 (10) 2008.03~NDL SEARCHRSS
Kansai University Review of Economics.(Suita : Faculty of Economics, Kansai University.)Z61-G480 (14):2012.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
KGU比較文化論集 = The KGU journal of comparative cultural studies / 関東学院大学文学部人文学会比較文化学部会 編.(横浜 : 関東学院大学文学部人文学会比較文化学部会, 2008-)Z71-W415 (1) 2008~NDL SEARCHRSS
Kidney international selections : official journal of the International Society of Nephrology.(Tokyo : Nature Asia-Pacific, 2009-)Z74-D533 7 (1) 2009~NDL SEARCH
Kindai management review / The Institute for Creative Management and Innovation, Kinki University.([Tokyo] : Maruzen Planet ; c2013-)Z61-J854 2:2014.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
KLS selected papers : selected papers from the Meeting of the Kansai Linguistic Society(吹田 : 関西言語学会事務局 = Kansai Linguistic Society, 2019-)Z72-T656 1:2019-NDL SEARCHRSS
Landscape and ecological engineering : official journal of the International Consortium of Landscape and Ecological Engineering (ICLEE) / International Consortium of Landscape and Ecological Engineering [編].(Tokyo : Springer Japan, [2005]-)Z78-A725 8(2):2012.7-NDL SEARCHRSS
Language & literature (Japan) 愛知淑徳大学大学院英文学会L&L編集委員会 編.(長久手町 (愛知県) : 愛知淑徳大学大学院英文学会, 2009-)YH247-964 (22):2013-(23):2014NDL SEARCH
Language information text / 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科言語情報科学専攻 編.(東京 : 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科言語情報科学専攻, 1994-)Z12-B45 7 (1) 2000.03~NDL SEARCHRSS
Language issues : journal of the Foreign Language Education Center.(Kumamoto : Prefectural University of Kumamoto, 1995-[2010])Z71-X896 13-15 (1) 2009.03~NDL SEARCH
LET中部支部研究紀要 = LET journal of Central Japan / 外国語教育メディア学会LET中部支部LET中部支部事務局 編.(春日井 : 外国語教育メディア学会LET中部支部LET中部支部事務局, [2001]-)Z72-J957 (24):2012-NDL SEARCHRSS
LIAJ news.(東京 : 家畜改良事業団, 1989-)Z18-3000 (192):2022.1.25-NDL SEARCHRSS
Liberal arts = リベラル・アーツ.(滝沢村 (岩手県) : 岩手県立大学共通教育センター『リベラル・アーツ』編集委員会, 2007-)Z71-S616 (1) 2007~NDL SEARCHRSS
Libra : The Tokyo Bar Association journal / 東京弁護士会広報委員会 企画・編集.(東京 : 東京弁護士会, 2001-)Z71-E605 13(1):2013.1-NDL SEARCHRSS
Libra : 神戸薬科大学研究論集 : the journal of Kobe Pharmaceutical University in Humanities and Mathematics.(神戸 : 神戸薬科大学教養課程共同研究室, 2000-2014.)Z71-E352 1 1999~NDL SEARCH
Librarian's Club / Librarian's Club編集委員会 編.(上尾 : Margaret Librarian's Club, 1991-[199-])Z21-2258 (通号: 5) 1996.12~(通号: 6) 1997.09NDL SEARCH
Library and information science / 三田図書館・情報学会 編.(東京 : 三田図書館・情報学会, 1968-2019.)Z21-2 (通号: 6) 1968.07~NDL SEARCH
Lifelong education and libraries.(Kyoto : Division of Lifelong Education and Libraries, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University, 2001-[2011])Z61-G802 (1) 2001.03~NDL SEARCH
Littera : revue de langue et littérature françaises.(Tokyo : Société japonaise de langue et littérature françaises, 2016-[2022])Z62-B50 (1):2016-NDL SEARCH
Lowland technology international : the official journal of the International Association of Lowland Technology.(Saga : International Association of Lowland Technology, 1999-)Z63-C782 18(1):2016.6-NDL SEARCHRSS
LR : Live and review / 山本育夫事務所 編.(敷島町 (山梨県) : 書肆・博物誌, 1997-2001.)Z71-B398 (通号: 14) 1999.07~NDL SEARCH
Marine engineering : journal of the Japan Institute of Marine Engineering = マリンエンジニアリング :日本マリンエンジニアリング学会誌.(東京 : 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会, 2001-)Z16-747 36 (1) (通号: 400) 2001.01~NDL SEARCHRSS
Media, English and communication : a journal of the Japan Association for Media English Studies = メディア・英語・コミュニケーション : 日本メディア英語学会会誌 / 日本メディア英語学会会誌編集委員会 編(岡崎 : 日本メディア英語学会, 2011-)Z72-D621 (2):2012-NDL SEARCHRSS
Medical communication = メディカルコミュニケーション : 予防医療と健康長寿社会を実現する.(東京 : 日本ビジネス出版, [2015]-2019.)Z72-N718 (5):2017.夏-NDL SEARCH
Medical Journal of Osaka University.(Osaka : Osaka University Medical School, 1949-)Z53-C481 2 (1) 1950.09~3 (2・3) 1952.08 ; 11 (1・2) 1960.07~14 (2) 1963.09NDL SEARCH
Medical journal of Shinshu University.(Matsumoto : Faculty of Medicine, Shinshu University, [1955]-1973.)Z53-C485 5 (2) 1960.06~8 (3・4) 1963.12NDL SEARCH
Medical mass spectrometry.(Ichinomiya : Japanese Society for Biomedical Mass Spectrometry, 2017-)Z63-D581 1(1):2017-NDL SEARCHRSS
Medical mycology journal.(東京 : 日本医真菌学会, 2011-)Z19-348 52(1):2011-NDL SEARCHRSS
Medical mycology research.(八王子 : 帝京大学医真菌研究センター, 2010-)Z74-G975 1(1):2010-NDL SEARCHRSS
Medical nutritionist of PEN Leaders = メディカルニュートリショニストオブペンリーダーズ.(大阪 : フジメディカル出版, 2017-)Z74-K216 2(2)=4:2018-NDL SEARCHRSS
Medical photonics.(東京 : オプトロニクス社, 2010-2019.)Z74-H55 (1):2010.4-NDL SEARCH
Medical science and educational research = 保健医療科学と教育研究 / 岐阜医療科学大学紀要委員会 編(関 : 岐阜医療科学大学 = Gifu University of Medical Science, 2023-)Z74-F321 (17):2023-NDL SEARCHRSS
Medical secretary : 日本医療秘書学会誌.(東京 : 日本医療秘書学会, 2014-)Z72-E58 11(1):2014-NDL SEARCHRSS
Memoirs of Institute of Advanced Technology, Kinki University = 近畿大学先端技術総合研究所紀要 / 近畿大学先端技術総合研究所紀要編集委員会 編.(海南 : 近畿大学先端技術総合研究所, 2001-)Z74-B434 (通号: 1) 1998.11~NDL SEARCHRSS
Memoirs of the College of Agriculture, Kyoto University = 京都大学農学部紀要.(Kyoto : Kyoto University, [194-]-1992.)Z53-G292 (通号: 57) 1950.07~(通号: 63) 1952.03 ; (通号: 83) 1961.03~(通号: 85) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the College of Science, University of Kyoto. Ser. A.(Kyoto : [College of Science, University of Kyoto], [19--]-1967.)Z53-A413 29(3):1961.9-30(2):1962.12NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the College of Science, University of Kyoto. Ser. A. Mathematics.(Kyoto.)Z53-A228 33(1):1960.6-33(3):1961.5NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the College of Science, University of Kyoto. Ser. B.(Kyoto : [College of Science, University of Kyoto], 1924-1967.)Z53-B429 27 (1) 1960.07~30 (2) 1963.09NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Defence Academy. Mathematics, physics, chemistry and engineering.(Yokosuka : National Defense Academy, [1956]-1979.)Z53-A133 2 (1) 1961.11~3 (1) 1963.08NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University.(Kagoshima : Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University, 1952-2008.)Z53-M452 1 (1) 1952.03~1 (1) 1952.03 ; 4 (2) 1961.03~5 (1) 1964.03NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Miyazaki = 宮崎大学農学部紀要.(Miyazaki : University of Miyazaki. Faculty of Agriculture, 1955-1968.)Z53-G294 3 (1) 1961.03~3 (2) 1962.03NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University.(Higashihiroshima : Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University, [1957]-1995.)Z53-M389 2 (1) 1963.05~2 (1) 1963.05NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University.(Sapporo : Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University, 1926-1996.)Z53-E201 8(3)(1):1950.3 ; 9 (1) 1952.03~9 (2) 1952.09 ; 11 (2) 1961.03~11 (4) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University.(Kobe : Kobe University, 1950-2003.)Z53-A98 (通号: 1) 1951.03~(通号: 2) 1954.08 ; (通号: 9) 1962.03~(通号: 9) 1962.03NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kumamoto University.(Kumamoto : Faculty of Engineering, Kumamoto University, 1954-2006.)Z53-C322 8 (1・2) 1961.03~10 (3) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University.(Kyoto : Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto Unviersity, 1949-1995.)Z53-E208 12 (3) 1950.04~14 (3) 1952.07 ; 22 (3) 1960.07~26 (1) 1964.03NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University.(Fukuoka : Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University, 1913-1999.)Z53-E210 12 (1) 1950.03~13 (1) 1952.05 ; 19 (4) 1960.03~23 (2) 1963.10NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Miyazaki University.(Miyazaki : Faculty of Engineering, Miyazaki University, 1956-)Z53-M388 (通号: 3) 1962.02~(通号: 3) 1962.02NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University.(Nagoya : Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University, 1949-1991.)Z53-E211 1 (2) 1949.10~4 (1) 1952.07 ; 11 (1・2) 1960.02~15 (1) 1964.01NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University(Okayama : Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University, 2004-[2013])YH247-196 47:2013.1-NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Osaka City University.(Osaka : Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University, 1959-2019.)Z53-E215 (通号: 2) 1960.12~(通号: 5) 1963.12NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Miyazaki = 宮崎大学工学部紀要 / 宮崎大学工学部 編.(宮崎 : 宮崎大学工学部, 1956-2016.)Z14-B428 (25):1996-(41):2012NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University.(Hakodate : Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University, 2006-[2017])Z74-H19 53(1):2010.12-NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University.(Hakodate : Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University, 1953-2000.)Z53-H59 8 (1) 1960.11~10 (2) 1962.12NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Faculty of Industrial Arts, Kyoto Technical University. Science and technology.(Kyoto : Faculty of Industrial Arts, Kyoto Technical University, 1952-1983.)Z53-A99 (1) 1952.03~(通号: 3) 1954.12 ; (通号: 9) 1960.12~(通号: 11) 1962.12NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Education, Miyazaki University.([宮崎] : 宮崎大学学芸部, 1957.)Z051.1-M27 (通号: 1) 1957.03~(通号: 1) 1957.03NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Shimane University. Series B, Mathematical Science.(Matsue : Interdisciplinary Faculty of Science and Engineering, Shimane University, 1997-2012.)Z63-C643 (通号: 30) 1997~NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University.(Tokyo : Waseda University, [1922]-1953.)Z53-E221 (通号: 14) 1950.06~(通号: 16) 1952.10NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University. Ser. C, Chemistry.(Fukuoka : Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, 1948-1994.)Z53-M237 3 (3) 1960.03~5 (2) 1962.12NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University. Ser. D, Geology.(Fukuoka, Japan : Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, [1949]-1989.)Z53-B197 10 (1) 1960.12~14 (1) 1963.01NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Faculty of Technology, Tokyo Metropolitan University.(Tokyo : Faculty of Technology, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 1951-1993.)Z53-M234 (通号: 1) 1951.03~(通号: 2) 1952.03 ; (通号: 12) 1962.09~(通号: 13) 1963.08NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Shimane University. Series B, Mathematics.(Matsue : The Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Shimane University, 2013-)Z63-C643 (46):2013-NDL SEARCHRSS
Memoirs of the Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University / Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University.(Suita : Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, 1959-2015.)Z53-B132 (通号: 3) 1961.03~(通号: 5) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University.(Suita : Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, 1948-)Z53-C324 (通号: 7) 1950.03~(通号: 7) 1950.03 ; (通号: 17) 1960.03~(通号: 20) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the Research Institute for Food Science, Kyoto University.(Kyoto : Research Institute for Food Science, Kyoto University, [1951]-[19--])Z53-H93 (通号: 21) 1960.08~(通号: 25) 1963.10NDL SEARCH
Memoirs of the School of Science & Engineering, Waseda University.(Tokyo : Waseda University, 1954-1997.)Z53-E221 (通号: 23) 1959.12~(通号: 27) 1963.12NDL SEARCH
Microbes and environments.(Inashiki : Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology ; 2001-)Z54-J644 16 (1) 2001.03~NDL SEARCHRSS
Microbiology and immunology / Japanese Society for Bacteriology, Japanese Society for Virology, Japanese Society for Host Defense Research.(Richmond : Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty.)Z53-M387 52 (1) 2008~NDL SEARCHRSS
Microbiology and immunology / Japanese Society for Bacteriology, Japanese Society for Virology, Japanese Society for Immunology.(Tokyo : Center for Academic Publications Japan, 1977-)Z53-M387 21 (1) 1977~51 (12) 2007NDL SEARCH
Mongolia and Northeast Asian studies = モンゴルと東北アジア研究 = Монгол, Зүүн хойд Азийн судлaл / [Association for the History and Culture of the Mongols].([東京] : 風響社, [2015]-)Z72-M377 3:2017-NDL SEARCHRSS
Monographs on environment, earth and planets : MEEP.(Tokyo : Terrapub, c2012-)YH247-1202 1(1):2012-NDL SEARCH
Movement disorders : highlights from the official journal of the Movement Disorder Society.(Tokyo : Blackwell Publishing, 2007-2021)Z74-F601 1 (1) 2007.08~6(2):2012.12NDL SEARCH
Museum study : Bulletin of the Course for Prospective Museum Workers,Meiji University / 明治大学学芸員養成課程 [編].(東京 : 明治大学学芸員養成課程, 1989-)Z21-1990 (13) 2001~NDL SEARCHRSS
Nagoya journal of medical science.(Nagoya : Nagoya University School of Medicine, 1923-2010.)Z53-C477 14 (1) 1951.01~15 (1) 1952.03 ; 23 (1) 1960.08~26 (3) 1964.03NDL SEARCH
Nagoya journal of nutritional sciences = 名古屋栄養科学雑誌 / 名古屋学芸大学管理栄養学部 編.(日進 : 名古屋学芸大学管理栄養学部, 2015-)Z74-J535 (1):2015-NDL SEARCHRSS
Nagoya journal of philosophy / 名古屋大学人間情報学研究科情報創造論講座 編.(名古屋 : 名古屋大学人間情報学研究科情報創造論講座, 2002-2014)Z71-H587 1 2002~NDL SEARCH
Nagoya mathematical journal.([Nagoya] : [Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University] ; 1950-)Z53-A208 (通号: 1) 1950.06~(通号: 4) 1952.06 ; (通号: 17) 1960.08~(通号: 22) 1963.06NDL SEARCH
Nagoya medical journal.(Nagoya : Nagoya City University, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, 1953-)Z53-C476 6 (1) 1960.05~9 (2) 1963.10NDL SEARCH
Nagoya Studies in Indian Culture and Buddhism.(Nagoya : Department of Indian Philosophy, Graduate School of Humanities, Nagoya University ; 1979-)Z62-A605 (通号:19)1998-(32):2015NDL SEARCH
NAIS journal(京都 : 情報システム学会日本支部 = Japan (Nippon) Association for Information Systems, 2014-)Z74-L264 9:2014.9-NDL SEARCHRSS
National Institute of Animal Health Quarterly.(Yatabe-machi, Ibaraki : National Institute of Animal Health.)Z53-D154 1 (1) 1961.03~3 (3) 1963.10 ; 13 (1) 1973.03~23 (4) 1983NDL SEARCH
NISTEP report.([Tokyo] : Research Unit for Science and Technology Analysis and Indicators, National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP), [19--]-)Z53-W584 (57) 1996~NDL SEARCHRSS
NOC technical report.(Tokyo : Network System Division, Global Scientific Information and Computing Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1996-2003.)Z74-B416 00 (1) 2000.04~03 (1) 2003.08NDL SEARCH
NSCA Japan journal = NSCAジャパン・ジャーナル : a Publication of National Strength and Conditioning Association Japan.(東京 : NSCAジャパン, 1994-2003.)Z7-B292 3 (4) 1996.07~10 (10) (通号: 86) 2003.12NDL SEARCH
Okinawan journal of island studies / Research Institute for Islands and Sustainability, University of the Ryukyus [編](Nishihara, Okinawa : Research Institute for Islands and Sustainability, University of the Ryukyus, 2020-2022)Z62-B76 1:2020.3-NDL SEARCH
On the line : the global communication magazine from KDD / ダイヤモンド社 企画編集.(東京 : KDD広報室, 1988-2000.)Z5-394 12 (2) (通号: 528) 1999.07~13 (3) (通号: 535) 2000.08NDL SEARCH
OPE nursing = オペナーシング : the Japanese journal of operating room nursing : 手術看護の総合専門誌.(大阪 : メディカ出版, 1986-)Z19-1989 16 (1) (通号: 197) 2001.01~NDL SEARCHRSS
Otsuchi marine science.(Otsuchi, Iwate : Otsuchi Marine Research Center, Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, 1999-2003.)Z63-D163 (28) 2003~NDL SEARCH
Outlook : the journal of high-performance business = アウトルック : アクセンチュア広報誌.(東京 : アクセンチュア, [2001]-c2014.)Z71-R584 2007 (Jan) 2007.01~NDL SEARCH
Over : 肉屋を支持するブタにならないためのクィア・マガジン.(東京 : オーバーマガジン社, 2019-)Z72-S692 1:2019.5-NDL SEARCHRSS
Pachinko-hall business review : for progressive middle-management & innovative top-management.(東京 : 商業界, 2006-)Z71-V580 [0] 2006.08~3 2008.07NDL SEARCH
Pacific journal of mathematics for industry : PJMI.(Fukuoka : Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University ; c2014-[2017])Z63-D421 6:2014-NDL SEARCH
Papers in meteorology and geophysics.(Tokyo : Meteorological Research Institute, 1950-2014.)Z53-B289 1 (1) 1950.10~3 (1) 1952.03 ; 12 (1) 1961.08~14 (1) 1963.07NDL SEARCH
Parasitology international : official journal of the Japanese Society of Parasitology.(Amsterdam : Elsevier.)Z54-J281 46 (1) 1997.03~50 (4) 2001.11NDL SEARCH
PASセルフケアセラピィ看護学会誌 = The journal of Japanese Nursing Society of PAS Based Self-Care Therapy / PASセルフケアセラピィ看護学会 編.(羽曳野 : PASセルフケアセラピィ看護学会, 2019-)Z74-K885 1:2019-NDL SEARCHRSS
Pathology International.(Carlton South, Vic. : Published by Blackwell Science for the Japanese Society of Pathology.)Z53-N324 46 (5) 1996.05~51 (6) 2001.06NDL SEARCH
Personalized medicine universe : official journal of International Society of Personalized Medicine(Tokyo : International Society of Personalized Medicine, [2012]-)Z63-D500 9:2020.11-NDL SEARCHRSS
Personalized medicine universe. Japanese edition.([東京] : [国際個別化医療学会], [2012]-[2017])Z74-H583 1(suppl.1):2012.6.2-NDL SEARCH
Pest control = ペストコントロール : 公益社団法人日本ペストコントロール協会「機関誌」 : 快適なより良い生活環境を求めて.(東京 : 日本ペストコントロール協会, [1972]-)Z19-B52 (190):2020.4-NDL SEARCHRSS
Pest control Tokyo : (公社)東京都ペストコントロール協会機関誌.(東京 : 東京都ペストコントロール協会, [19--]-)Z74-G258 (58) 2010.01~NDL SEARCHRSS
Plan B = プランB : 閉塞時代を打ち破る代案を!.(東京 : 日本針路研究所 ; 2009-2014.)Z71-P542 (19) 2009.02~NDL SEARCH
Planarization CMP & its applications.(福岡 : 精密工学会「プラナリゼーションCMPとその応用技術専門委員会」, 2013-)YH247-1327 16:2013-NDL SEARCH
Plankton & benthos research : a joint journal of the Plankton Society of Japan & the Japanese Association of Benthology.([Hakodate] : Plankton Society of Japan ; 2006-)Z54-J424 1 (1) 2006.02~NDL SEARCHRSS
Plankton Biology and Ecology.(Hakodate : Plankton Society of Japan, 1997-2005.)Z63-C703 45 (1) 1998.02~52 (2) 2005.08NDL SEARCH
Plant and cell physiology.(Kyoto : Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, 1959-)Z53-C97 2 (3) 1961.08~5 (1) 1964.02 ; 37 (8) 1996.12~NDL SEARCH
Polyglossia : the Asia-Pacific's voice in language and language teaching = ポリグロシア : 言語と言語教育-アジア太平洋の声.(別府 : 立命館アジア太平洋大学立命館アジア太平洋研究センター, 1999-2015.)Z71-C750 (通号: 1) 1999.04~NDL SEARCH
Polymer journal / Society of Polymer Science, Japan.(Tokyo : Springer Nature, 1970-)Z53-R487 28 (11) 1996.11~NDL SEARCHRSS
Polyphonia = ポリフォニア : FLS言語文化論集 : FLS studies in languages and cultures.(東京 : 東京工業大学FLS言語文化研究会, 2009-)Z71-X755 (1) 2009.03~NDL SEARCHRSS
Population ecology / Society of Population Ecology.(Tokyo : Springer Japan, 2000-c2018.)Z53-S128 42 (1) 2000.04~NDL SEARCH
Port promotion.(東京 : 日本港湾振興団体連合会, [19--]-)Z74-C334 31 1997.10~37 2003.10NDL SEARCH
Posse = ポッセ.(東京 : Posse ; 2008-)Z71-X355 1 2008.09~NDL SEARCHRSS
Practice of pain management : 学際的治療による有効な疼痛マネジメントを追求する / Practice of pain management編集委員会 編.(東京 : メディカルレビュー社, 2010-2016.)Z74-G960 1(1)=1:2010.12-NDL SEARCH
PREC study report / PREC Study Report編集委員会 編.(東京 : プレック研究所, 1997-)Z74-B205 (通号: 1) 1997.12~NDL SEARCHRSS
Proceeding = 日本脳神経外科認知症学会学術総会講演集 : the annual meeting in Japan Society of Neurosurgery for Dementia / [日本脳神経外科認知症学会] [編].(枚方 : 日本脳神経外科認知症学会, 2017-2019)Z74-K625 1:2017-NDL SEARCH
Proceedings of JASFL.(京都 : 日本機能言語学会, 2007-)Z72-B278 4:2010.10-NDL SEARCHRSS
Proceedings of the Chemical Sensor Symposium.(長崎 : 電気化学会化学センサ研究会, 1994-)Z14-1675 (通号: 28) 1999.03~NDL SEARCHRSS
Proceedings of the Fujihara Memorial Faculty of Engineering, Keio University.(Koganei : Fujihara Memorial Faculty of Engineering, Keio University, 1948-1970.)Z53-E207 3 (8) 1950.04~3 (9) 1952.09 ; 12 (46) 1960.09~15 (2) 1964.03NDL SEARCH
Proceedings of the ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symposium([相模原] : Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA, [2006]-)YH247-902 46:2013.8.5-7NDL SEARCH
Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series. A, Mathematical sciences / issued by 日本学士院.(Tokyo : Japan Academy, 1977-)Z53-T494 72 (7) 1996.09~NDL SEARCHRSS
Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series. B, Physical and biological sciences / issued by 日本学士院.(Tokyo : Japan Academy, 1977-)Z53-T495 72 (7) 1996.09~NDL SEARCHRSS
Proceedings of the Japan Academy.(Tokyo : Japan Academy, 1945-1977.)Z55-A264 37 (6) 1961.08~40 (1) 1964.02NDL SEARCH
Proceedings of the Research Institute of Atmospherics, Nagoya University.(Toyokawa : Research Institute of Atmospherics, Nagoya University, 1953-1990.)Z53-B310 (通号: 8) 1961.06~(通号: 10) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Profectus / 武庫川女子大学大学院文学研究科英語英米文学専攻研究会 編.(西宮 : 武庫川女子大学大学院英語英米文学専攻研究会, 1993-)Z12-B26 (19):2013-NDL SEARCHRSS
Progress in informatics.(Tokyo : Research Organization of Information and Systems, National Institute of Informatics, 2005-[2014])Z78-A321 (1) 2005.03~NDL SEARCH
Progress in nuclear science and technology.(東京 : Atomic Energy Society of Japan, 2011-)Z78-A702 2:2011.10-NDL SEARCHRSS
Progress of theoretical physics = 理論物理学の進歩 / Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Physical Society of Japan.(Kyoto : Publication Office, Progress of Theoretical Physics ; 1946-2013.)Z53-A468 5 (2) 1950.04~8 (4) 1952.10 ; 24 (1) 1960.07~NDL SEARCH
Prostate cancer front line.(東京 : アステラス製薬, 2012-)Z74-H691 1(1)=1:2012.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
Psychologist : bulletin of the Graduate School of Professional Clinical Psychology, Kansai University = サイコロジスト : 関西大学臨床心理専門職大学院紀要 / 関西大学臨床心理専門職大学院紀要編集委員会 編.(吹田 : 関西大学大学院心理学研究科心理臨床学専攻, [2011]-2021)Z74-H338 (2):2012-NDL SEARCH
Publications from the Akkeshi Marine Biological Station.(Sapporo : Akkeshi Marine Biological Station, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, [1951]-1965.)Z53-M454 (通号: 10) 1960.12~(通号: 11) 1961.03NDL SEARCH
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan.(Tokyo : Astronomical Society of Japan, 1949-)Z53-A296 2 (1) 1950.09~4 (1) 1952.08 ; 12 (2) 1960.06~12 (4) 1960.12 ; 18 (1) 1966.03~NDL SEARCH
Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory.(Shirahama : Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 1949-)Z53-C2 8 (1) 1960.05~11 (1) 1963.07NDL SEARCH
Radiation emergency medicine / Hirosaki University [編].([Hirosaki] : Hirosaki University Press, c2012-c2015.)Z78-A728 2(1):2013.2-NDL SEARCH
Radiation environment and medicine : covering a broad scope of topics relevant to environmental and medical radiation research / Hirosaki University [編].([Hirosaki] : Hirosaki University Press, c2016-)Z78-A728 5(1):2016.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
Records & information management journal = レコード&インフォメーションマネジメントジャーナル : the information management professionals.(東京 : ARMA International東京支部, [2007]-)Z74-F531 (通号: [1]) 2007.04~NDL SEARCHRSS
Records of oceanographic works in Japan.(Tokyo : Science Council of Japan, 1928-1975.)Z53-B274 5 (2) 1960.02~7 (1) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Report of Ionosphere and Space Research in Japan.(Tokyo : Ionosphere Research Committee, Science Council of Japan, 1947-1976.)Z53-B300 6 (1) 1952.03~6 (1) 1952.03 ; 15 (1) 1961.03~17 (3) 1963.09NDL SEARCH
Report of the Castings Research Laboratory.(Tokyo : Castings Research Laboratory, Waseda University, 1950-1988.)Z53-J390 (通号: 12) 1961.12~(通号: 13) 1962.12NDL SEARCH
Report of the Faculty of Fisheries, Prefectural University of Mie.(Tsu : Faculty of Fisheries, Prefectural University of Mie, 1951-[197-])Z53-H50 1 (1) 1951.10~1 (1) 1951.10 ; 3 (3) 1960.12~4 (2) 1962.12NDL SEARCH
Report of Transportation Technical Research Institute / 運輸技術研究所 編.(Tokyo : Unyu-Gijutsu Kenkyujo, 1951-1963.)Z53-E219 (通号: 2) 1952.02~(通号: 3) 1952.10 ; (通号: 45) 1961.10~(通号: 56) 1962.12NDL SEARCH
Reports of Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University = 九州大学応用力学研究所所報.(Fukuoka : Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, 1999-[2015])Z14-184 (117) 1999.09~NDL SEARCH
Reports of Research Institute for Applied Mechanics.(Fukuoka : Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, 1952-1998.)Z53-E25 1 (1) 1952.01~1 (3) 1957.07 ; 7 (27) 1959~11 (40) 1963NDL SEARCH
Reports of statistical application research, Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers.(Tokyo : Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers, [1951]-1993.)Z51-A45 7 (2) 1960.06~10 (4) 1963.12NDL SEARCH
Reports of the Institute for Agricultural Research, Tohoku University.(Sendai : Institute for Agricultural Research, Tohoku University, 1950-1988.)Z53-G301 1・2 1951.03~3 1951.03 ; 11 (2) 1960.10~14 (1) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Reports of the Institute for Science of Labour.(Tokyo : Institute for Science of Labour, [19--]-1967.)Z51-A253 (通号: 56) 1960.07~(通号: 62) 1963.12NDL SEARCH
Reports of the Institute of High Speed Mechanics, Tohoku University.(Sendai : Institute of High Speed Mechanics, Tohoku University, 1951-1989.)Z53-A435 (通号: 12) 1961.03~(通号: 14) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Reports of the Liberal Arts and Science Faculty, Shizuoka University. Natural Science.(Shizuoka : Liberal Arts & Science Faculty, Shizuoka University, 1950-1965.)Z53-A106 (通号: 1) 1951.03~3 (4) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Reports of the Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University.(Sendai : Tohoku University, 1951-)Z53-F39 1・2 (1) 1951.01~3 (2) 1952.03 ; 12 (2) 1961.03~15 (2) 1963.11NDL SEARCH
Reports of the Research Laboratory for Surface Science, Faculty of Science, Okayama University.(Okayama : Research Laboratory for Surface Science, Faculty of Science, Okayama University, [1954]-1997.)Z53-P245 2 (2) 1962.07~2 (3) 1963.11NDL SEARCH
Reports of the Usa Marine Biological Station.(Tosa : Usa Marine Biological Station, Kochi University, 1954-1977.)Z53-C1 8 (1) 1961.02~10 (2) 1963.10NDL SEARCH
Reports on Medical Research Problems of the Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association.(Tokyo : Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association, [1954]-[1984])Z53-D129 (通号: 11) 1963.10~(通号: 11) 1963.10NDL SEARCH
Research in exercise epidemiology = 運動疫学研究 / 運動疫学研究会 編.(東京 : 運動疫学研究会, 1999-)Z74-C960 (1) 1999~NDL SEARCHRSS
Research paper series.(市川 : 千葉商科大学経済研究所, 1996-[2017])Z3-B647 (通号: 21) 2000.03~NDL SEARCH
Research papers.(東京 : 大東文化大学経営研究所, [1984]-)Z4-943 (通号: 30) 1999.03~NDL SEARCH
Research report of Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. = 旭硝子研究報告.(横浜 : 旭硝子中央研究所, 1950-2017.)Z17-2 4 (1) 1954.07~NDL SEARCH
Research report. NIFS-Memo series.(Toki : National Institute for Fusion Science, 1991-)Z15-749 (81):2018.1-NDL SEARCHRSS
Research reports of Automatic Control Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University.(Nagoya : Automatic Control Laboratory, Nagoya University, 1969-1984.)Z63-C261 (通号: 16) 1969.04~(通号: 31) 1984.06NDL SEARCH
Research reports on mathematical and computing sciences. Ser. B, Operations research.(Tokyo : Dept. of Mathematical and Computing Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1995-)Z63-A413 482:2016.2-NDL SEARCHRSS
Research Reports on Mathematical and Computing Sciences. Ser. C, Computer Science.(Tokyo : Dept. of Mathematical and Computing Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology.)Z63-A414 (278):2012.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
Riabilitazione neurocognitiva = 認知神経リハビリテーション : journal of the Japanese Society of Neurocognitive Rehabilitation.(高知 : 日本認知神経リハビリテーション学会, 2011-)Z74-C791 (10):2010-NDL SEARCHRSS
RIKIIS journal : 九州情報大学学術研究所ジャーナル : journal of Research Institute of Kyushu Institute of Information Sciences.(太宰府 : 九州情報大学学術研究所研究論集編集委員会, 2006-2011.)Z74-F375 (1) 2006.11~NDL SEARCH
RMIT University日本校年報 = Annals of RMIT University Chiropractic Unit Japan : カイロプラクティック教育.(東京 : RMIT大学カイロプラクティック学科日本校, [2001]-2011.)Z74-F928 8 2008.07.01~NDL SEARCH
Ryukyu mathematical journal = 琉球大学理学部紀要. 数学編.(Nishihara-mati, Okinawa : Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus, 1989-2017.)Z63-C718 25:2012-NDL SEARCH
Science journal of Kanagawa University = 神奈川大学理学誌 / Science journal of Kanagawa University編集委員会 編.(平塚 : 神奈川大学総合理学研究所, 2005-)Z14-1544 16 2005~NDL SEARCHRSS
Science of humanity Bensei.(東京 : 勉誠出版, 2001-)Z14-B1 (30) 2001.03~NDL SEARCH
Science of light.(Tokyo : Institute for Optical Research, Tokyo University of Education, [1951]-1977.)Z53-A449 8 (2) 1959.12~12 (1) 1963.07NDL SEARCH
Science reports / College of General Education, Osaka University.(Toyonaka : College of General Education, Osaka University, 1962-1994.)Z53-M468 11 (1) 1962.10~12 (1) 1964.01NDL SEARCH
Science Reports of the Faculty of Literature and Science, Hirosaki University.(Hirosaki : Faculty of Literature and Science, Hirosaki University, 1954-1964.)Z53-A92 4 (1) 1957.08~10 (2) 1963.12NDL SEARCH
Science Reports of the Gumma University.(Maebasi : Gumma University.)Z54-H269 1 (1) 1950.11~1 (1) 1950.11NDL SEARCH
Science reports of the Research Institutes, Tohoku University. Ser. A, Physics, Chemistry and Metallurgy.(Sendai : Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, 1949-1997.)Z53-A406 1 (3) 1949.10~4 (4) 1952.08 ; 12 (3) 1960.06~15 (5) 1963.12NDL SEARCH
Science reports of the Research Institutes, Tohoku University. Ser. C, Medicine.(Sendai : Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University, 1949-1993.)Z53-D395 2 (2) 1951.02~3 (3) 1952.03 ; (通号: 9) (Suppl.) 1959.07~11 (2) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Science reports of the Saitama University. Ser. B, Biology and earth sciences.(Urawa : Saitama University, 1951-1970.)Z53-B437 1 (1) 1952.03~1 (1) 1952.03 ; 3 (3) 1960.07~4 (3) 1963.11NDL SEARCH
Science Reports of the Society for the Research of Theoretical Chemistry.(Osaka : Society for the Research of Theoretical Chemistry, [1955]-[1961])Z53-M427 7 (1) 1961.07~7 (1) 1961.07NDL SEARCH
Science reports of the Tohoku University. 1st ser., Physics, chemistry, astronomy.(Sendai : Faculty of Science, Tohoku University, 1912-1980.)Z53-A249 33 (1) 1950.03~35 (2) 1951.11 ; 44 (1) 1960.09~46 (4) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Science Reports of the Tohoku University. 3rd Ser., Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology.(Sendai : Tohoku University, 1921-1988.)Z53-B318 4 (1) 1950.01~4 (1) 1950.01 ; 7 (1) 1961.03~8 (3) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Science Reports of the Tohoku University. 5th Ser., Geophysics.(Sendai : Faculty of Science, Tohoku University, 1949-1980.)Z53-B249 2 (1) 1950.03~3 (3) 1951.12 ; 12 (1) 1960.09~15 (1) 1963.05NDL SEARCH
Science Reports of the Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku. Section A.(Tokyo : Mathematical Institute, Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku, 1954-1977.)Z53-A244 7 (170~173) 1961.03~8 (187・188) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Science Reports of the Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku. Section B.(Tokyo : Zoological Institute, Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku, 1932-[1977])Z53-C155 10(144/146):1961.2-11(166) 1962.11NDL SEARCH
Science reports of the Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku. Section C, Geography, Geology and Mineralogy.(Tokyo : Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku, 1932-1977.)Z53-B212 7 (64) 1960.09-8(75/77):1962.11NDL SEARCH
Science Reports of the Yokohama National University. Section 1, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry.(Yokohama : Faculty of Education and Human Sciences, Yokohama National University, 1952-1997.)Z53-A421 (通号: 1) 1952.03~(通号: 4) 1955.10 ; (通号: 7) 1958.09~(通号: 44) 1997NDL SEARCH
Science reports of Tohoku University. 7th series, Geography = 東北大学理科報告. 第7輯, 地理学(Sendai : Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, 1952-[2015])Z52-B135 (通号: 10) 1961.09~(通号: 12) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
Scientific approaches to language : 神田外語大学言語科学研究センター紀要.(千葉 : 神田外語大学言語科学研究センター, 2002-2012.)Z71-G644 (1) 2002.03~NDL SEARCH
Scientific papers of the College of General Education, University of Tokyo.(Tokyo : University of Tokyo, College of General Education, 1951-1982.)Z53-A111 1 (1) 1951.10~2 (1) 1952.08 ; 10 (1) 1960.06~13 (2) 1963.12NDL SEARCH
Scientific papers of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research.(Wako : Rikagaku Kenkyusho, Riken, 1922-[1991])Z53-A77 44 (1) 1950.06~46 (1277) 1952.06 ; 54 (2) 1960.08~57 (3) 1963.10NDL SEARCH
Scientific Reports of the Whales Research Institute.(Tokyo : Whales Research Institute.)Z53-C259 (通号: 4) 1950.08~(通号: 4) 1950.08NDL SEARCH
Shinken housing plus one = 新建ハウジングプラスワン.(東京 : 新建新聞社, [2015]-2020)Z74-F819 2015.3-NDL SEARCH
Shirakami-sanchi : bulletin of the Shirakami Institute for Environmental Sciences, Hirosaki University / Shirakami Institute for Environmental Sciences [編].([Hirosaki] : Hirosaki University, 2012-2019)Z63-D490 1:2012.3-NDL SEARCH
Shiron = 試論 : Essays in English language and literature.(仙台 : 「試論」英文学研究会, 1958-)Z12-431 (47):2012.7-NDL SEARCHRSS
Shonan journal : the international journal of the Shonan Research Institute Bunkyo University.(Chigasaki : Shonan Research Institute Bunkyo University, 2010-)Z65-A935 1 2010.03~NDL SEARCHRSS
Shukugawa studies in linguistics and literature.(西宮 : 夙川学院短期大学英文学会, 1977-2002.)Z12-468 (通号: 23) 2000.03~NDL SEARCH
Slavica Kiotoensia : annual report of Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University = 京都大学大学院文学研究科スラブ語学スラブ文学専修年報(京都 : 京都大学大学院文学研究科スラブ語学スラブ文学専修 = Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University, 2021-)Z72-V592 (1):2021-NDL SEARCHRSS
Sleep and biological rhythms : official journal of the Japanese Society of Sleep Research / The Japanese Society of Sleep Research, The Asian Sleep Research Society [編].(Tokyo : Springer Japan, [2003]-)Z78-A896 14(2):2016-NDL SEARCHRSS
Sport and olympic-paralympic studies journal : SOPSJ.(Tsukuba : Society for Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies, [2016]-[2020])Z76-A935 2(1):2017.10-NDL SEARCH
Sportsmedicine : media of communication for sportsmedicine people = 月刊スポーツメディスン : スポーツ医科学をわかりやすく伝える専門誌.(東京 : ブックハウス・エイチディ, 1989-2024)Z7-2731 8 (2) 1996.09~NDL SEARCH
Studia classica.(千葉 : SC西洋古代文化研究会, 2010-)Z72-B941 1:2010-NDL SEARCH
Studia humana et naturalia / 京都府立医科大学医学部医学科 (教養教育) 編.(京都 : 京都府立医科大学医学部医学科 (教養教育), 1979-)Z22-617 (通号: 13) 1979.12~NDL SEARCHRSS
Studia humana / 京都府立医科大学人文系教室 編.(京都 : 京都府立医科大学人文系教室, 1967-1978.)Z22-617 (通号: 1) 1967.12~(通号: 12) 1978.12NDL SEARCH
Studies from the Tokugawa Institute.(Tokyo : Tokugawa Institute for Biological Research, 1924-1963.)Z53-B567 9 (1) 1960~9 (3) 1961NDL SEARCH
Studies in Inner Asian history and culture.(Fuchu, Tokyo : Association for the Study of Inner Asian History and Culture, 2016-)Z72-M971 (3):2018-NDL SEARCHRSS
Studies in language science working papers.(京都 : 立命館大学大学院言語教育情報研究科, 2011-)Z72-H206 (1):2011.10-NDL SEARCHRSS
Studies in language science.(京都 : 立命館大学大学院言語教育情報研究科, 2011-2016.)Z72-D226 1:2011.3-NDL SEARCH
Studies in language sciences : journal of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences / 言語科学会 編.(東京 : 開拓社, [2000]-2019)Z72-F313 11:2012.11-NDL SEARCH
Studies in medieval English language and literature / 日本中世英語英文学会 編.(東京 : 日本中世英語英文学会, 1986-)Z12-711 (28):2013-NDL SEARCHRSS
Suruga Institute report.(長泉町 (静岡県) : 企業経営研究所, [1983]-)Z71-W988 (104) 2008.10~NDL SEARCHRSS
Sustainability science : official journal of the Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science / [Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science] [編].(Tokyo : Springer Japan, [2006]-)Z76-A762 7(suppl.1):2012.2-NDL SEARCHRSS
Sustainable humanosphere : bulletin of Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University.(Uji : Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University, 2005-2020)Z63-D323 (1) 2005.08NDL SEARCH
Teacher education research : journal of the Center for Teacher Education Research, Tamagawa University.(Machida : Center for Teacher Education Research, Tamagawa University, [2015]-)Z72-K356 2:2015-NDL SEARCHRSS
Technical Report of ISSP. Ser. A.(Kashiwa : Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, 1959-2003.)Z53-A479 (通号: 7) 1960.06~(通号: 10) 1960.07NDL SEARCH
Technical report of ISSP. Series B.(Tokyo : Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, 1960-2000.)Z53-R352 (通号: 1) 1960.03~(通号: 5) 1963.12NDL SEARCH
Technical Reports of the Engineering Research Institute, Kyoto University.(Kyoto : Engineering Research Institute, Kyoto University, 1951-1971.)Z53-E209 2 (1) 1952.03~2 (6) 1952.03 ; 10 (6) 1960.08~13 (11) 1963.12NDL SEARCH
Technical reports of the Institute of Cetacean Research.(Tokyo : Institute of Cetacean Research, c2017-)Z63-D585 (1):2017.12-NDL SEARCHRSS
Technical review, JR East.(東京 : 東日本旅客鉄道総合企画本部技術企画部, 2002-2018.)Z74-D252 (1):2002.Aut.-NDL SEARCH
Ten = 天 : tsunami, earth and networking : the journal of International Tsunami Disaster Prevention Society (ITDPS)([和光] : 国際津波防災学会 = International Tsunami Disaster Prevention Society, [2020]-)Z74-L358 1:2020.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
The art times = アートタイムズ.(横浜 : デラシネ通信社 ; 2006-)Z72-B269 (6) 2010.07-(11):2014.4NDL SEARCH
The Asian journal of disable sociology.(Yeosu : The Asian Society of Disable Sociology, 2002-2019)Z71-G291 (1) 2002.02~NDL SEARCH
The Asian journal of human health science / アジア健康科学研究編集委員会 編.(高崎 : Asian Human Health Science, 2019-)Z63-D605 1:2019-NDL SEARCH
The bulletin of the Yamaguchi Medical School.(Ube : Yamaguchi University School of Medicine, 1953-2005.)Z53-C490 7 (1・2) 1959.12~10 (1) 1963.03NDL SEARCH
The bulletin of Tokyo Dental College.(Tokyo : Tokyo Dental College, 1960-)Z53-D442 1 (1) 1960.10~5 (1) 1964.03NDL SEARCH
The Center for ELF journal.([町田] : [The Center for English as Lingua Franca, Tamagawa University], [2015]-)Z61-J909 1(1)=1:2015.4-NDL SEARCH
The Centre for the Study of English Language Teaching journal / 福岡女学院大学英語教育研究センター 編.(福岡 : 福岡女学院大学英語教育研究センター, 2013-2023)Z61-J862 1:2013-NDL SEARCH
The forward = ザ・フォワード(東京 : 実業之日本社, 2021-2023)Z72-V627 1:2021.12-NDL SEARCH
The Gakushuin journal of international studies.(Tokyo : The Institute of International Studies, Gakushuin Women's College, c2014-)Z61-J894 1:2014.3-NDL SEARCHRSS
The GI forefront.(大阪 : メディカルレビュー社, 2005-2021)Z74-E567 1 (1) (通号: 1) 2005.06~NDL SEARCH
The Haskins Society journal, Japan : studies in medieval history / [Haskins Society Japan] [編].(Kumamoto : Faculty of Education, Kumamoto University, 2005-)Z62-B6 (Suppl.1):2011-NDL SEARCH
The Hitotsubashi journal for Japanese language education = 一橋日本語教育研究 / 一橋日本語教育研究会 編.(東京 : ココ出版, 2012-)Z72-J113 (1):2012-NDL SEARCHRSS
The horticulture journal.([Kyoto] : Japanese Society for Horticultural Science, 2015-)Z78-A456 84(1):2015.1-NDL SEARCHRSS
The international economy : the journal of the Japan Society of International economics / Japan Society of International economics 編.(Tokyo : Japan Society of International Economics ; 2006-)Z61-J754 (通号 10) 2006-NDL SEARCHRSS
The international journal of physical education of young children / The International Society of Physical Education of Young Children Editorial Board [編].(Tokorozawa : The International Society of Physical Education of Young Children, 2018-)Z61-K36 1(1):2018.8-NDL SEARCHRSS
The Japan beer times : the craft beer magazine of Japan = 日本のクラフトビア(地ビール)マガジン([出版地不明] : The Japan Beer Times, 2010-)Z72-W544 (41):2020.冬-NDL SEARCHRSS
The Japan Branch bulletin, the Dickens Fellowship = ディケンズ・フェロウシップ日本支部年報.(京都 : ディケンズ・フェロウシップ日本支部, 2000-)Z71-E404 (23) 2000.10~NDL SEARCHRSS
The Japan journal of basketball studies = バスケットボール研究.(東京 : 日本バスケットボール学会, 2015-)Z72-L149 (1):2015-NDL SEARCHRSS
The Japanese accounting review.([神戸] : Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University, 2011-)Z61-J775 1:2011-NDL SEARCHRSS
The Japanese journal of antibiotics / 日本感染症医薬品協会 編(東京 : 日本感染症医薬品協会, 1968-2020)Z19-110 21 (1) 1968.02~36 (10) 1983.10 ; 57 (6) (通号: 556) 2004.12~NDL SEARCH
The Japanese journal of clinical dentistry = 日本臨床歯科学会雑誌 / 日本臨床歯科学会雑誌編集委員会 編.([東京] : [日本臨床歯科学会], 2019-)Z74-L20 6(1):2019-NDL SEARCHRSS
The Japanese journal of clinical toxicology = 中毒研究 : 日本中毒学会機関誌 / 日本中毒学会 編.(東京 : 日本中毒学会 ; 2009-)Z19-2214 22 (1) 2009~NDL SEARCHRSS
The Japanese journal of experimental medicine.(Tokyo : The Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo, 1928-1990.)Z53-C406 20 (4) 1950.03~22 (3) 1952.06 ; 30 (3) 1960.06~33 (6) 1963.12 ; 36 (2) 1966.04~53 (5) 1983.10NDL SEARCH
The Japanese journal of human genetics.(Tokyo : Japan Society of Human Genetics, 1992-1997)Z54-H248 37 (1) 1992.03~42 (4) 1997.12NDL SEARCH
The Japanese journal of rehabilitation medicine = リハビリテーション医学 / 日本リハビリテーション医学会 編.(東京 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会 ; 2007-)Z19-283 44 (1) (通号: 323) 2007.01~NDL SEARCHRSS
The Josai journal of business administration = 城西大学大学院経営学研究科紀要.([坂戸] : Division of Business Administration, School of Graduate Studies, Josai University, 2004-)Z72-S381 13(1):2017.9-NDL SEARCHRSS
The journal of antibiotics : an international journal.(Tokyo : Japan Antibiotics Research Association, 1968-)Z53-D224 21 (1) 1968.01~36 (11) 1983.11 ; 49 (11) 1996.11~50 (2) 1997.02NDL SEARCH
The journal of biochemistry.(Tokyo : Japanese Biochemical Society, 1922-)Z53-B472 48 (2) 1960.08~55 (4) 1964.04 ; 59 (3) 1966.03~93 (5) 1983.11 ; 120 (5) 1996.11~NDL SEARCHRSS
The journal of Center for the Global Study of Cultural Heritage and Culture.(吹田 : 関西大学国際文化財・文化研究センター, 2014-2018.)Z72-H139 1:2013-NDL SEARCH
The Journal of chemical software.(鯖江 : 化学ソフトウェア学会, 1992-2002.)Z17-1611 3 (1) 1996.08~8 (2) 2002.06NDL SEARCH
The journal of clinical physical therapy / 臨床理学療法研究会 編.(東近江 : 臨床理学療法研究会, 1998-2021)Z74-B357 16:2013-NDL SEARCH
The journal of contemporary China studies.(Tokyo : Waseda Institute of Contemporary China Studies, Waseda University, 2012-2016.)Z76-A782 2(1):2013-NDL SEARCH
The journal of cosmetic oral care : official journal of Academy of Cosmetic Oral Care.([守口] : [美容口腔管理学会], [2002]-)Z74-L31 1(1):2002-NDL SEARCHRSS
The journal of golf physio therapy golf physio therapy digital catalog.([東近江] : Golf Physio Therapy Japan, [2017]-)YH267-296 1:2017-NDL SEARCHRSS
The journal of holistic sciences / The journal of holistic sciences編集部 編.(三鷹 : ホリスティックサイエンス学術協議会, 2007-)Z74-G107 1 (1) 2007~NDL SEARCHRSS
The journal of Japanese operations management and strategy = オペレーションズ・マネジメント&ストラテジー学会論文誌 / Japanese Oparations Management and Strategy Association [編].([相模原] : Japanese Oparations Management and Strategy Association, c2009-)Z72-C132 1 (1) 2009.12~NDL SEARCHRSS
The journal of learner-centered higher education = 学士課程教育機構研究誌.(八王子 : 創価大学学士課程教育機構, 2012-)Z72-E697 (3):2014.7-NDL SEARCHRSS
The journal of metabolism and clinical nutrition = 日本病態栄養学会誌 : 病態栄養 / 日本病態栄養学会編集委員会 編.(東京 : 日本病態栄養学会, 1999-2016.)Z74-C18 19(2):2016-NDL SEARCH
The journal of physical education of young children of Asia.([Tokorozawa] : The Asian Society of Physical Education of Young Children, [2010]-)Z61-K4 5(1):2016.11-NDL SEARCHRSS
The journal of physical fitness and sports medicine : JPFSM : official journal of the Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine.(Tokyo : The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, 2012-)Z76-A776 1(2):2012.7-NDL SEARCHRSS
The journal of physiological sciences.([Tokyo] : Physiological Society of Japan, 2006-)Z53-D40 56 (1) 2006.02~NDL SEARCHRSS
The journal of reproduction and development : official journal of the Society for Reproduction and Development(Tokyo : Society for Reproduction and Development, 1992-2021)Z54-H305 38 (1) 1992.02~NDL SEARCH
The journal of social studies education in Asia.([Higashi-Hiroshima] : The International Social Studies Association ; c2018-)Z61-J772 7:2018.Spr.-NDL SEARCHRSS
The journal of social studies education.([加東] : International Social Studies Association, [2012]-[2017])Z61-J772 1:2012.3-NDL SEARCH
The Journal of special education research.(Tukuba : The Japanese Association of Special Education, 2013-)Z76-A806 1(1):2013.2-NDL SEARCHRSS
The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory = 財団法人服部植物研究所報告.(Nichinan : Hattori Botanical Laboratory, [1947]-2006.)Z53-W423 (通号: 5) 1951.03~NDL SEARCH
The journal of toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Japanese Society of Toxicology.(東京 : 日本毒性学会, 1976-)Z19-1022 21 (Suppl 1) 1996.06~NDL SEARCH
The journal of toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Japanese Society of Toxicology.(Tokyo : The Japanese Society of Toxicology, 1976-)Z78-B27 44(1-3):2019-NDL SEARCHRSS
The journal of veterinary medical science = 日本獣醫學会会誌.(東京 : 日本獣医学会, 1991-2016.)Z18-350 53 (1) 1991.02~NDL SEARCH
The Keio journal of medicine.(Tokyo : Keio University, School of Medicine, 1952-)Z53-C469 1 (2) 1952.05~1 (2) 1952.05 ; 9 (3) 1960.09~12 (4) 1963.12NDL SEARCH
The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.(前橋 : 北関東医学会, 1951-)Z19-138 1(1・2):1951.11-33(5):1983.9 ; 51(1):2001.1-NDL SEARCHRSS
The Kitasato archives of experimental medicine.(Tokyo : Kitasato Institute for Infectious Diseases, [1917]-)Z53-C468 31 (3・4) 1958.12~31 (3・4) 1958.12NDL SEARCH
The Kitasato medical journal.(Sagamihara : Kitasato Medical Society, 2004-)Z78-A377 34 (1) 2004.03~NDL SEARCHRSS
The Lawyers = ザ・ローヤーズ.(東京 : アイ・エル・エス出版, 2004-2017.)Z71-N12 (1):2004.8-NDL SEARCH
The LCA journal.(多摩 : 日本言語文化学会, 2000-)Z12-972 (16) 2000~NDL SEARCHRSS
The liver cancer journal = ザリバーキャンサージャーナル : 季刊学術雑誌 / 「The liver cancer journal」編集委員会 編.(大阪 : メディカルレビュー社, 2009-2019)Z74-G435 1 (1) (通号: 1) 2009.06~NDL SEARCH
The medical oncologists : がん薬物療法を目指すすべての人のために.(東京 : ターギス, 2005-2008.)Z74-E622 1 (1) 2005.03~4 (1) (通号: 13) 2008.08NDL SEARCH
The Northeast Asian economic review.(Niigata : Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia, 2013-2023)Z76-A813 3(1):2015.6-NDL SEARCH
The northern review.(札幌 : 北海道大学英語英米文学研究会, 1973-)Z12-413 (通号: 24) 1996~NDL SEARCH
The proceedings of Symposium on Geo-Environments and Geo-Technics = 社会地質学シンポジウム論文・要旨集(千葉 : 社会地質学会, 1991-)Z15-763 24:2014.11-NDL SEARCHRSS
The resilience = ザ・レジリエンス.(大阪 : アスクラスト, 2019-)Z74-K799 (1):2019.5-NDL SEARCHRSS
The science reports of Kanazawa University = 金沢大学理科報告.(Kanazawa : Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University, 1951-2015.)Z53-A95 7 (1) 1960.06~8 (1) 1962.12NDL SEARCH
The science reports of the Tohoku University. Second series, Geology = 東北大学理科報告. 地質学 / [Issued by] 東北大学.(仙台 : 東北大学, [1912]-)Z53-B211 32 (1) 1960.11~34 (3) 1962.12NDL SEARCH
Theory and research for developing learning systems / Research Initiative for Developing Learning Systems [編].(Higashi-Hiroshima : Research Initiative for Developing Learning Systems, Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University, [2015]-[2017])Z61-J962 1:2015.3-NDL SEARCH
THT journal : the journal of Teachers Helping Teachers.([Tokyo] : [Teachers Helping Teachers Special Interest Group, Japan Association for Language Teaching], c2013-[2016])Z61-J874 1(1):2013.Fall-NDL SEARCH
Thyroid cancer explore / 「Thyroid cancer explore」編集委員会 編.(大阪 : メディカルレビュー社, 2015-2017.)Z74-J472 1(1)=1:2015.1-NDL SEARCH
Tokushima Journal of Experimental Medicine.(Tokushima : School of Medicine, University of Tokushima, 1954-1996.)Z53-C488 7 (1) 1960.05~10 (3) 1963.11NDL SEARCH
Transactions of the International Union for Precious Coral. New series = 国際宝石珊瑚連合会会報. 新版.([東京] : [国際宝石珊瑚連合会], 2007-)Z74-F661 (3) 2009.03~NDL SEARCH
Transactions of the Japan Institute of Metals.(Sendai : Japan Institute of Metals, 1960-1988.)Z53-J286 3 (1) 1962.01~4 (3) 1963.07NDL SEARCH
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