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Japanese National Agency for ISIL

What is ISIL?

An ISIL (the International Standard identifier for libraries and related organizations) can be allocated to a library, a museum, an archive or a related organization.

ISO 15511 stipulates that the ISIL structure shall be administrated by national allocation agencies in each country. The National Diet Library (NDL) is in charge of allocation and maintenance of the ISIL as the National Registration Allocation Agency of Japan from October 2011.

Since 2011, we have been allocating ISIL to libraries in Japan (National Diet Library, university libraries, public libraries, special libraries, etc.). From October 2022, the scope has been expanded to include museums and archives.

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ISIL structure of Japan

The ISIL structure of Japan is as below.

Country code Hyphen 1 digit to identify institution type by letter or numeral 6 digits for each institution's ID in letters and numerals
JP - 1 (Library)
2 (Museum)
3 (Archive)

We assign a 1-digit number for the institution type and a serial number for each institution's ID.

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ISIL list of Japan

The ISIL list of Japan is open to the public and is updated from time to time. The ISIL list of Japan provides you the information below.

  • ISIL
  • Institution name in English
  • Institution name in Japanese
  • Institution name in Japanese (kana form)
  • Postal code
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • Fax number
  • URL
  • Registration date (available since April 2020)
  • Last update date (available since April 2020)

Our lists are in the public domain. You can use the lists freely.

Here are the ISIL lists of Japan. 2025-2-28

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Procedures to obtain ISIL and update ISIL list

In case an institution has multiple functions, an ISIL will be allocated to each function. If an institution has a central library and branch libraries, an ISIL will be allocated to each library.

Please send the application forms below to apply for registration, notify change or the closure of your institution. When we receive your application for registration or your closure notification, we will get back to you by e-mail or telephone for confirmation. Regarding notification of change, we will contact you when necessary.

There is no cost for registration.

Application forms

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Beta version of International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organizations (ISIL) LOD

The NDL provides ISIL LOD as part of its initiatives to promote utilization of NDL's data. Please see the following page for further details.

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Contact us

For further information please contact below.

[Japanese National Agency for ISIL]
Library Support Division
Kansai-kan of the National Diet Library
E-mail: isilat n d l dot g o dot j p

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