Home > Tokyo Main Library > Special Materials Rooms & Reading Rooms > Rare Books and Old Materials Room > Advance reservation / Advance application to use rare books and semi-rare books

Rare Books and Old Materials Room

Advance reservation / Advance application to use rare books and semi-rare books

Advance reservation (except for rare books and semi-rare books)

Materials held in the room can be reserved in advance for your use, except for rare books and semi-rare books. Please note that you may have to wait for the materials if you request them on the same day without making an advance reservation, as we deliver materials at hourly, on the hour.
(Rare books and semi-rare books are materials which have "Required" in the "Advance application" column on the list of collections below. Please see the next section, "Advance application to use rare books and semi-rare books" for further information.)
Advance reservation is required to use the originals on Saturdays. (Advance reservation is not necessary to use microforms and DVDs)

* User Registration (Official user registration) is required to use materials (originals, microfilmed materials and DVDs).

* For materials with a large number of volumes, please specify the volumes you need before applying.

* If the information you provide is inaccurate or incomplete, we may not be able to accept your reservation. Please note that we may decline your request depending on the condition of the materials.

Application procedure

Application by postal mail or fax

Please send/fax the reservation form (for postal mail/fax) not later than noon on the previous working day.

* If there are unavailable materials, you will be notified by 5:00 pm on the previous working day.

Send/fax the form to:
Rare Books and Old Materials Room, National Diet Library, 1-10-1
Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8924, JAPAN
Fax: 03-3504-1529

Application by email

Please send the reservation form for email not later than noon on the previous working day.

* Please write "Rare Books and Old Materials Room reservation" in the subject line of your email.

* Please be sure to attach only text file format files. Please note that other file formats such as PDF or Word files will not be accepted.

* After your reservation has been completed, you will receive a reservation confirmation email from the "at n d l dot g o dot j p" domain. In the case that you have set your email to only receive messages from specified domains, please set up your email to accept emails from this "at n d l dot g o dot j p" domain.

* If you do not receive a reservation confirmation email by 3:00 pm on the working day before the day you wish to visit the library, it is possible that your reservation has not been made. Please call the Rare Books and Old Materials Room before visiting the library (contact phone number: 03-3506-5293 ext. 27523, reception hours: 9:30 am - 5:00 pm on working days).

Email the form to:
koten-yoyakuat n d l dot g o dot j p

* This email address is only for reservations of the Rare Books and Old Materials Room. Please note that we cannot respond to any inquiries to this email address.

Advance application to use rare books and semi-rare books

Before application

Most of the rare books and semi-rare books are available in the National Diet Library Digital Collections. Some materials are also available in microform. If materials are already digitized or microfilmed, please use them in digitized form or microform to preserve the originals.

If you need to see originals

You need to submit an application at least six working days in advance. To use materials which have "Required" in the "Advance application" column on the list of the collections below, please contact us in advance.

Contact phone number: 03-3506-5293 ext. 27523 (reception hours: 9:30 am - 5:00 pm on working days)

The material(s) requested will be available from about six working days after the day the application has been accepted.
In addition, depending on the condition of the material and the use situation of the library room, we may not be able to comply with your request.

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General description of the collections

The Rare Books and Old Materials Room possesses about 290,000 books including rare books and semi-rare books, and its collections mainly consist of Japanese old books up to the Edo Period and Chinese old books up to the Qing Dynasty. One of the room's features is the variety of its holdings, including a rich collection of materials from the early modern period. Materials with call numbers listed below are available in the room.

Japanese and Chinese books

Japanese and Chinese books
Call number Example Description Advance application
WA <WA7-2> Rare books Required
WB <WB5-3> Semi-rare books Required
貴、貴箱 <貴2-17> Equivalent to rare books and semi-rare books Required
本別、寄別 <(本)別20-1> Equivalent to rare books and semi-rare books Required
100~249 <207-764> Manuscripts and printed books of the Edo Period and Chinese old books of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and others  
800~899 <806-19> Documents taken over from the government of Edo, Komiyama Library, Kabutoyama Collection and others  
十二支 <卯-8> Japanese and Chinese old books arranged using the letters of the Oriental Zodiac (子~亥)  
いろは <は-21> Japanese and Chinese old books arranged using the letters い~ん(hiragana)  
京・京乙 <京-55> Novels, plays, illustrated books and others of the Edo Period  
詩文 <詩文-722> Gakken Collection: anthology of Chinese poetry and writings mainly by Japanese authors from the books previously owned by Dohi Keizo  
特1 <特1-203> Shirai Collection: materials on herbalism collected by Shirai Mitsutaro  
特2 <特2-1369> Shinjo Collection: materials on astronomy and the calendar previously owned by Shinjo Shinzo  
特7 <特7-124> Ito Collection: materials on herbalism collected by Ito Keisuke and inherited by his grandson Tokutaro  
特1000~1004 <特1002-2> Books acquired by the Kameda Kokichi Fund  
わ+NDC6版 <わ210.5-2> Japanese and Chinese old materials acquired between April 1949 and March 1961  
<ち13-1> Old maps acquired between April 1949 and March 1961  
NDC6版 <082.1-Sy996> Japanese and Chinese old materials and others acquired between 1948 and 1968  
VF6 <VF6-K2-75> Japanese and Chinese old materials in the Hotta Ryohei Collection  
VF7 <VF7-N1> Japanese and Chinese old materials in the Watanabe Toshio Collection  
W <W89-50> Japanese and Chinese old materials and others acquired in and after 1969  
YR <YR12-132> Scrolls, sheets, folded books and pocket editions up to the Edo Period or Qing Dynasty acquired in and after 1969  
YS <YS1-5> Western-bound manuscripts and books in author's own handwriting  

Western books

Western books
Call number Example Description Advance application
WA <WA41-2> Rare books Required
WB <WB41-6> Semi-rare books Required
<貴-6437> Equivalent to rare books and semi-rare books Required
<別-31> Equivalent to rare books and semi-rare books Required
<蘭-1450> Western (Dutch) books previously owned by the government of Edo  
特4-1~47 <特4-31> Books previously owned by Ogawa Takuji Required
VF3 <VF3-159> Pamphlets related to political movements in France in the 17th century  
WF <WF3-2> Western books published before 1831  

Newspapers and magazines

Newspapers and magazines
Call number Example Description Advance application
WB42 <WB42-15> magazines Required
WB43 <WB43-150> newspapers Required

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